swagger: '2.0' info: version: v1.0.1 title: CMA Service Quality Metrics description: | CMA Service Quality Metrics Response `Content-Type` clarification for `Get` requests - - Successful `200` responses to `GET` requests will produce `application/json` in the response body. - Error responses will produce `application/xml` in the response body. host: sqm.openbanking.org.uk basePath: /cma-service-quality-metrics/v1.0 schemes: - https produces: - application/json - application/xml tags: - name: PCA description: Endpoints for CMA Personal Current Account Service Metrics data - name: BCA description: Endpoints for CMA Business Current Account Service Metrics data paths: /product-type/pca/area/{area}/export-type/aggregated/wave/{wave}: get: tags: - PCA description: Aggregated CMA Personal Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: getPCAAggregated parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKAggregated' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponse' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponse' head: tags: - PCA description: Aggregated CMA Personal Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: headPCAAggregated produces: - '' parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKHead' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponseHead' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponseHead' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponseHead' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponseHead' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponseHead' /product-type/pca/area/{area}/export-type/full/wave/{wave}: get: tags: - PCA description: Full CMA Personal Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: getPCAFull parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKPCAFull' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponse' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponse' head: tags: - PCA description: Full CMA Personal Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: headPCAFull produces: - '' parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKHead' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponseHead' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponseHead' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponseHead' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponseHead' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponseHead' /product-type/bca/area/{area}/export-type/aggregated/wave/{wave}: get: tags: - BCA description: Aggregated CMA Business Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: getBCAAggregated parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKAggregated' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponse' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponse' head: tags: - BCA description: Aggregated CMA Business Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: headBCAAggregated produces: - '' parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKHead' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponseHead' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponseHead' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponseHead' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponseHead' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponseHead' /product-type/bca/area/{area}/export-type/full/wave/{wave}: get: tags: - BCA description: Full CMA Business Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: getBCAFull parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKBCAFull' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponse' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponse' head: tags: - BCA description: Full CMA Business Current Account Service Metrics data operationId: headBCAFull produces: - '' parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/Area' - $ref: '#/parameters/Wave' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200OKHead' '304': $ref: '#/responses/304NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponseHead' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponseHead' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponseHead' '503': $ref: '#/responses/503ErrorResponseHead' 'default': $ref: '#/responses/StandardErrorResponseHead' parameters: Area: name: area type: string enum: - 'GB' - 'NI' description: Indicates area to be returned. Value must be either `GB` or `NI` in: path required: true Wave: name: wave type: string description: Indicates wave to be returned. Use `latest` to retrive the latest version, or the standard wave format (`YYYY-H1` or `YYYY-H2`) to retrive a specific version. in: path required: true If-Modified-Since: name: If-Modified-Since type: string description: 'Used for conditional request, to retrieve data only if modified since a given date' in: header required: false If-None-Match: name: If-None-Match type: string description: 'Used for conditional request, to retrieve data only if the given `Etag` value does not match' in: header required: false responses: 200OKAggregated: description: Aggregated Results successfully retrieved schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Aggregated' headers: Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached Content-Length: type: integer description: The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes) Content-Type: type: string description: The MIME type of this content Date: type: string description: The date and time that the message was sent (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Etag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Last-Modified: type: string description: The last modified date for the requested object (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Age: type: integer description: A non-negative integer, representing time in seconds the object has been in a proxy cache 200OKPCAFull: description: PCA Full Results successfully retrieved schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PCAFull' headers: Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached Content-Length: type: integer description: The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes) Content-Type: type: string description: The MIME type of this content Date: type: string description: The date and time that the message was sent (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Etag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Last-Modified: type: string description: The last modified date for the requested object (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Age: type: integer description: A non-negative integer, representing time in seconds the object has been in a proxy cache 200OKBCAFull: description: BCA Full Results successfully retrieved schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BCAFull' headers: Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached Content-Length: type: integer description: The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes) Content-Type: type: string description: The MIME type of this content Date: type: string description: The date and time that the message was sent (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Etag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Last-Modified: type: string description: The last modified date for the requested object (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Age: type: integer description: A non-negative integer, representing time in seconds the object has been in a proxy cache 200OKHead: description: Results successfully retrieved headers: Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached Content-Length: type: integer description: The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes) Content-Type: type: string description: The MIME type of this content Date: type: string description: The date and time that the message was sent (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Etag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Last-Modified: type: string description: The last modified date for the requested object (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Age: type: integer description: A non-negative integer, representing time in seconds the object has been in a proxy cache 304NoContent: description: No Content headers: Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached Date: type: string description: The date and time that the message was sent (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231) Etag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Age: type: integer description: A non-negative integer, representing time in seconds the object has been in a proxy cache 400ErrorResponse: description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 400ErrorResponseHead: description: Bad Request 404ErrorResponse: description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404ErrorResponseHead: description: Not Found 500ErrorResponse: description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 500ErrorResponseHead: description: Internal Server Error 503ErrorResponse: description: Service Unavailable schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 503ErrorResponseHead: description: Service Unavailable StandardErrorResponse: description: Standard Error Response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' StandardErrorResponseHead: description: Standard Error Response definitions: Aggregated: type: object properties: Meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Meta' Data: $ref: '#/definitions/AggregatedData' required: - Meta - Data additionalProperties: false PCAFull: type: object properties: Meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Meta' Data: $ref: '#/definitions/PCAFullData' required: - Meta - Data additionalProperties: false BCAFull: type: object properties: Meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Meta' Data: $ref: '#/definitions/BCAFullData' required: - Meta - Data additionalProperties: false AggregatedData: type: object properties: Question: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AggregatedQuestion' required: - Question additionalProperties: false PCAFullData: type: object properties: Brand: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PCABrand' required: - Brand additionalProperties: false PCABrand: type: object properties: BrandName: type: string Data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PCAFullResult' required: - BrandName - Data additionalProperties: false PCAFullResult: type: object properties: PCAQ1All: description: "Thinking about your {current account/payment account}, taking everything into account, are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank} to friends and family for current account banking, if asked by them? Are you extremely likely, very likely, fairly likely or unlikely?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Don't know" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Do not recommend" PCAQ1Recommend: description: "Thinking about your {current account/payment account}, taking everything into account, are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank} to friends and family for current account banking, if asked by them? Are you extremely likely, very likely, fairly likely or unlikely?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" PCAQ2All: description: "I'd like to ask next about the branch services that {bank} offers – by that I mean the staff and facilities including any machines inside the branch. If you have used a Post Office to carry out banking activities on your {bank} account please include this. Based on your experience over the last three months are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank}'s branch services to friends and family, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Don't know" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Have not used a branch in the last 3 months" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Do not recommend" PCAQ2Recommend: description: "I'd like to ask next about the branch services that {bank} offers – by that I mean the staff and facilities including any machines inside the branch. If you have used a Post Office to carry out banking activities on your {bank} account please include this. Based on your experience over the last three months are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank}'s branch services to friends and family, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" PCAQ3All: description: "And again based on your experience over the last three months are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank}'s online and mobile banking services to friends and family, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Don't know" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Have not used online or mobile banking in the last 3 months" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Do not recommend" PCAQ3Recommend: description: "And again based on your experience over the last three months are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank}'s online and mobile banking services to friends and family, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" PCAQ4All: description: "Based on your experience over the last twelve months are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank}'s overdraft services to friends and family, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Don't know" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Have not been overdrawn in the last 12 months" - "NOT USED IN RANKING: Do not recommend" PCAQ4Recommend: description: "Based on your experience over the last twelve months are you likely or unlikely to recommend {bank}'s overdraft services to friends and family, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" Brand: $ref: '#/definitions/Brand' Age: description: "Age Band of the respondent" type: string enum: - "16-24" - "25-34" - "35-44" - "45-54" - "55-64" - "65+" Weight: $ref: '#/definitions/Weight' additionalProperties: false Brand: description: "Master Brand" type: string additionalProperties: false Weight: description: "Weight to be used for calculating scores" type: number format: double additionalProperties: false AggregatedQuestion: type: object properties: QuestionNumber: type: string description: Number of the question Title: type: string description: Title of the question SubTitle: type: string description: Subtitle of the question Footnotes: type: array description: Array of footnotes items: type: string Results: type: array description: Results of the survey items: $ref: '#/definitions/AggregatedScore' required: - QuestionNumber - Title - SubTitle - Footnotes - Results additionalProperties: false AggregatedScore: type: object properties: Brand: type: string description: The brand Rank: type: integer description: The rank achieved by the brand DisplayRank: type: string description: The rank as above, but prefixed with "=" in the case of ties PublishedScore: type: string description: The published score expressed as a percentage, but encoded as a string PublishedScore2dp: type: string description: Published score accurate to 2 decimal places. This is a percentage value encoded as a string LowBase: type: boolean description: Indicates if the base was too low required: - Brand - Rank - DisplayRank - PublishedScore - PublishedScore2dp - LowBase additionalProperties: false BCAFullData: type: object properties: Brand: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BCABrand' required: - Brand additionalProperties: false BCABrand: type: object properties: BrandName: type: string Data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BCAFullResult' required: - BrandName - Data additionalProperties: false BCAFullResult: type: object properties: BCAQ5: description: "How many employees are there in (BUSINESS NAME) in the UK, including yourself and both full and part time workers?" type: string enum: - "1" - "2-9" - "10+" BCAQ10All: description: "Taking everything into account, if asked, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s business banking to other small and medium sized businesses?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "Not used in ranking: Don't know" BCAQ10Recommend: description: "Taking everything into account, if asked, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s business banking to other small and medium sized businesses?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" BCAQ11All: description: "If asked, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s relationship and account management to other small and medium sized businesses? This would include the handling of routine business enquiries or more detailed discussions about your business needs, either face-to-face or by phone." type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "Not used in ranking: Don't know" - "Not used in ranking: No experience" - "Not used in ranking: No recent use" BCAQ11Recommend: description: "If asked, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s relationship and account management to other small and medium sized businesses? This would include the handling of routine business enquiries or more detailed discussions about your business needs, either face-to-face or by phone." type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" BCAQ12All: description: "Thinking now about the digital channels that you may have used to access your business bank account in the last 12 months, how likely or unlikely are you to recommend [BRAND]'s online and/or mobile business banking to other small and medium sized businesses, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "Not used in ranking: Don't know" - "Not used in ranking: No experience" - "Not used in ranking: No recent use" BCAQ12Recommend: description: "Thinking now about the digital channels that you may have used to access your business bank account in the last 12 months, how likely or unlikely are you to recommend [BRAND]'s online and/or mobile business banking to other small and medium sized businesses, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" BCAQ13All: description: "I'd now like to focus on your use of branch facilities provided by [BRAND] in the last 12 months, including Post Office counters if you have used them for [BRAND] business banking purposes, but not ATMs / cash machines positioned outside a branch. With this in mind, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s branch and business centre services to other small and medium sized businesses, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "Not used in ranking: Don't know" - "Not used in ranking: No experience" - "Not used in ranking: No recent use" BCAQ13Recommend: description: "I'd now like to focus on your use of branch facilities provided by [BRAND] in the last 12 months, including Post Office counters if you have used them for [BRAND] business banking purposes, but not ATMs / cash machines positioned outside a branch. With this in mind, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s branch and business centre services to other small and medium sized businesses, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" BCAQ16All: description: "Thinking now about the business overdraft and loan facilities provided by [BRAND] over the last 12 months, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s overdraft or loan services to other small and medium sized businesses, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" - "Not used in ranking: Don't know" - "Not used in ranking: No experience" - "Not used in ranking: No recent use" BCAQ16Recommend: description: "Thinking now about the business overdraft and loan facilities provided by [BRAND] over the last 12 months, are you likely or unlikely to recommend [BRAND]'s overdraft or loan services to other small and medium sized businesses, if asked by them?" type: string enum: - "Extremely likely" - "Very likely" - "Fairly likely" - "Unlikely" BCAQ17_1: description: "When did you, or someone that you work with, last deal with [BRAND] about a routine business banking enquiry (via any method)?" type: string enum: - "Today" - "Within the last 2-3 days" - "Within the last week" - "Within the last fortnight" - "Within the last month" - "Within the last 3 months" - "Within the last 6 months" - "Within the last year" - "Longer ago than that" - "Don't know" - "Never used/experienced" BCAQ17_2: description: "When did you, or someone that you work with, last have a detailed discussion with [BRAND] about your business banking needs (via any method)?" type: string enum: - "Today" - "Within the last 2-3 days" - "Within the last week" - "Within the last fortnight" - "Within the last month" - "Within the last 3 months" - "Within the last 6 months" - "Within the last year" - "Longer ago than that" - "Don't know" - "Never used/experienced" BCAQ17_3: description: "When did you, or someone that you work with, last use [BRAND] online business banking?" type: string enum: - "Today" - "Within the last 2-3 days" - "Within the last week" - "Within the last fortnight" - "Within the last month" - "Within the last 3 months" - "Within the last 6 months" - "Within the last year" - "Longer ago than that" - "Don't know" - "Never used/experienced" BCAQ17_4: description: "When did you, or someone that you work with, last use [BRAND] mobile business banking?" type: string enum: - "Today" - "Within the last 2-3 days" - "Within the last week" - "Within the last fortnight" - "Within the last month" - "Within the last 3 months" - "Within the last 6 months" - "Within the last year" - "Longer ago than that" - "Don't know" - "Never used/experienced" BCAQ17_5: description: "When did you, or someone that you work with, last isit a [BRAND] branch or business centre, to manage the [BRAND] business account?" type: string enum: - "Today" - "Within the last 2-3 days" - "Within the last week" - "Within the last fortnight" - "Within the last month" - "Within the last 3 months" - "Within the last 6 months" - "Within the last year" - "Longer ago than that" - "Don't know" - "Never used/experienced" BCAQ17_6: description: "When did you, or someone that you work with, last use a Post Office counter to manage the (BRAND) business account?" type: string enum: - "Today" - "Within the last 2-3 days" - "Within the last week" - "Within the last fortnight" - "Within the last month" - "Within the last 3 months" - "Within the last 6 months" - "Within the last year" - "Longer ago than that" - "Don't know" - "Never used/experienced" Brand: $ref: '#/definitions/Brand' Weight: $ref: '#/definitions/Weight' additionalProperties: false Meta: title: Meta data type: object properties: ProductType: type: string enum: - BCA - PCA Area: type: string enum: - GB - NI LastUpdated: type: string format: date-time TotalResults: type: integer minimum: 0 Wave: type: string pattern: '20\d{2}-H(1|2)' Agreement: type: string enum: - Use of the APIs and any related data will be subject to the terms of the Open Licence and subject to terms and conditions License: description: Open Banking License type: string format: uri enum: - 'https://www.openbanking.org.uk/open-licence' TermsOfUse: description: Open Banking Terms of Use type: string format: uri enum: - 'https://www.openbanking.org.uk/terms' required: - TypeofExport - LastUpdated - TotalResults - Wave - Agreement - License - TermsOfUse additionalProperties: false Error: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: The error code is a string that uniquely identifies an error condition. Message: type: string Key: type: string RequestId: type: string description: ID of the request associated with the error. HostId: type: string