Dispute Management System? | Yes |
FCA Adjustment Period - Maintaining Screen ScrappingScraping? |
Seeking Fallback Exemption? | Yes |
Adjusted or Fallback Interface? | No |
Adjusted or Fallback URL? | N/A |
Contact Email or Phone Number? | TPPsupport@arbuthnot.co.uk | Please use this contact for any queries, issues or support requests. |
Dev Portal URL? | https://www.arbuthnotlatham.co.uk/developers/ |
Test Facility Implementation Date? | |
Production Interface Implementation Date? | | With additional conditional endpoints |
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (Browser)? | OTP |
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (APP)? | Biometric or PIN and Registered device |
Authentication Method - Private Channel (Browser)? | OTP |
Authentication Method - Private Channel (APP)? | Biometric or PIN and Registered device |
Authentication Method Implementation Date (Open Banking Channel)? | Live |
Authentication Method Implementation Date (Private Channel)? | Live |
SCA Implementation Date? | |
SCA Scope? (will it inhibit non PSD2 accounts) | No | SCA will only apply to PSD2 accounts as non-PSD2 accounts won’t be accessible via the OB channel. |