We have our own operational process in place but are going to evaluate whether it would be better served utilising the DMS.
FCA Adjustment Period - Maintaining Screen ScrappingScraping?
Seeking Fallback Exemption?
Adjusted or Fallback Interface?
We are planning to scope the work required for a fallback interface should the exemption fail so that the interface fallback can be confirmed as possible within the required 2 month window. If exemption is achieved we’ll keep the implementation plan for the fallback in place for the possible revocation of the exemption.
Adjusted or Fallback URL?
Contact Email or Phone Number?
Dev Portal URL?
Test Facility Implementation Date?
Production Interface Implementation Date?
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (Browser)?
Login credentials (Username and password) + SMS OTP to begin with, then as we move to our SCA solution we will have:
Biometric + Trusted device
Password + Trusted Device
SMS OTP + Password (for clients without our mobile app)
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (APP)?
See Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (Browser)? above