Test Facility (Sandbox) Open Banking API Standards 3.1 Live -14th March 2019
Stress Testing (Sandbox) Open Banking API Standards 3.1 -13th February 2019.
AIS - Open Banking API Standards 3.1 Live - 14th September 2019.
PIS - Open Banking API Standards 3.1 Live - 15thMay 2020
PRETA directory Maintenance and Validation services - 14th September 2019.
SCA via 2- Factor authentication – Password (knowledge) and Token (possession) and consent Flow as outlined in OBIE Customer Experience Guidelines - 14th September 2019.
Security Profile?
Security Profile Certification?
Using Open Banking as your eIDAS Trust Framework?
Are you caching the Directory?
Yes - Preta
Transaction IDs
Option 2
ASPSPs provide a Unique, Immutable TransactionID from their core system
ASPSPs generate a Unique TransactionID from a set of Immutable fields
ASPSPs specify field(s) for TPP to generate a Unique Transaction Identifier
ASPSPs provide neither a TransactionID nor the method by which TPPs can generate one