Praveen Ponnumony
May 09, 2021
Aug 13, 2021
This Section applies to ASPSPs that have impletemented OB Standards
Read/Write API Specification Implemented or planning to implement
(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)
Dynamic Client Registration - Which version have you Implemented or planning to implement?
Have you implemented Trusted beneficiaries, if not date planned to Implement?
Have you implemented Reverse Payments, if not date planned to Implement?
Have you implemented ECA Standard?
ECA Implementation details
Contact: [enter contact details for the relevant person(s) at your organisation]
Have you implemented Bulk/File Payments?
Have you implemented VRP – Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement?
-Which Security profile have you Implemented or planning to implement?
Supported outcomes: 3,4,5,8.
-What is your approach to Implementing OBIE Customer Experience Guidelines (CEG)?
(tick all that apply)
Which version have you implemented or planning to implement?
Options on 90 day re-authentication?
Are you enrolled to Dispute Management System?
Are you Seeking Fallback Exemption?
Allied Irish Bank (AIB) and First Trust Bank are exempt from the requirement to build a contingency mechanism for the “Retail API Channel”
Balances, Transactions
(last 90 days only)