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This is a release candidate for v2.2.0. While this contains agreed enhancements and fixes, this release is subject to further change, as we may identify further issues during testing. The intention is to include these further issues in a final v2.2.0 which will be published later in Feb 2018 |
Release Note
This release note explains what's new in the Open Data API Specifications v2.2.0
Key Changes
This is a minor release that fixes known defects in v2.1.1 as well as containing enhancements to the specification. In addition we have reformatted and amended the documentation for added clarity.
- IncrementalBorrowingAmount added to OverdraftFeeChargeDetail section in the PCA specification to allow Lloyds Banking Group to accurately represent new overdraft pricing.
- Minimum arranged overdraft amount added to both PCA and BCA specifications.
- The Fee and Charges cap can now be linked to any Fee Type.
- Academic Term has been added to the period code list.
- Sort Code added to Branch Locator.
- Renamed the FeeMinMaxType field to MinMaxType.
- Regular expressions (Regex) that are required to constrain values entered into fields to a certain pattern are now both in the data dictionary as well as the swagger.
- All Notes fields have a consistent cardinality 0..*
- The OverdraftFeeApplicableRange section was a modelling error and has been removed from the PCA design.
- Previously, the Max256Type datatype was not correctly generated in the Swagger files. This has now been fixed.
- We have improved the way mandatory field restrictions are generated by the swagger generation script.
- Missing fee category codes have been added.
- Base path corrected to /open-banking/vX.y
- Examples of how to implement overdraft pricing for known pricing models has been added to PCA Message Implementation Guide (MIG).
- MIGs have been converted from PowerPoint to a Confluence & web-friendly format.
- Description of the "Buffer Amount" field has been clarified and an example as to how to implement this added to the PCA Message Implementation Guide (MIG).
- Description of the "TierBandMethod" field in the CreditInterest section was incorrect. This has been changed to "The methodology of how credit interest is paid/applied".
- Replaced Message Implementation Guides with Usage Examples in JSON Request and Response format.
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