Test Facility (Sandbox) Open Banking API Standards 3.1 Live -14th March 2019
Stress Testing (Sandbox) Open Banking API Standards 3.1 -13th February 2019.
AIS - Open Banking API Standards 3.1 Live - 14th September 2019.
PIS - Open Banking API Standards 3.1 Live - 15thMay 2020
PRETA directory Maintenance and Validation services - 14th September 2019.
SCA via 2- Factor authentication – Password (knowledge) and Token (possession) and consent Flow as outlined in OBIE Customer Experience Guidelines - 14th September 2019.
Security Profile?
Security Profile Certification?
Using Open Banking as your eIDAS Trust Framework?
Are you caching the Directory?
Yes - Preta
Transaction IDs
Option 2
ASPSPs provide a Unique, Immutable TransactionID from their core system
ASPSPs generate a Unique TransactionID from a set of Immutable fields
ASPSPs specify field(s) for TPP to generate a Unique Transaction Identifier
ASPSPs provide neither a TransactionID nor the method by which TPPs can generate one
Customer Journey
Implementing Customer Experience Guidelines?
Current CEG Version?
Next CEG Version?
Next Version Implementation Date
Implementing Bespoke User Journeys?
Implementing App to App?
App to App Implementation Date?
Options on 90 day re-authentication?
90 Day Re-Authentication for AISP
Support Embedded Flow?
Dispute Management System?
FCA Adjustment Period - Maintaining Screen Scraping?
Yes. For the Direct access channels we will be using the 2FA Authentication which will include (password) Knowledge and (Token) Possession for both Account Information Services and Payment Initiation Services.
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (APP)?
Authentication Method Implementation Date (Open Banking Channel)?
Authentication Method Implementation Date (Private Channel)?
SCA Implementation Date?
SCA Scope? (will it inhibit non PSD2 accounts)
Our scope only includes PSD2 accounts. Non PSD2 accounts will not be inhibited.
Key Implementations
High Cost Credit
After Waiver 7 Expiry (16/06/20) option supported: Option 1 - The parameter b64 being set to FALSE OR Option 2 - The b64 claim not being in the header