Operational Guidelines Conformance

An OBIE Operational Guidelines Conformance Certificate allows an Implementer to demonstrate that they have successfully implemented all required elements of the Operational Guidelines (OG), and in particular that their dedicated interface meet the OG Checklist Requirements.


  • OG Certificates currently only apply to ASPSPs in Europe applying to their NCA for an exemption from a contingency mechanism, and not to other Implementers.
  • The ASPSP must complete all required elements (including supporting evidence) of the Operational Guidelines (OG) Checklist in order to request a certification from OBIE.
  • The OG Checklist should also contain details and supporting evidence to indicate where the ASPSP has exceeded the regulatory requirements and delivered one or more of the recommendations.
  • The ASPSP must complete a signed attestation form to confirm that all evidence submitted is accurate and has not been altered in any way.

Number of Conformance Certificates needed

It is up to each Implementer as to how many Conformance Certificates they apply for.

For ASPSPs, each Conformance Certificate covers one dedicated interface. This interface may include multiple brands and/or products and it is up to the Implementer to ensure they have submitted sufficient evidence which covers all relevant brands/products as part of their Conformance Certification Request.

Conformance Certificates

Will be published here when available.