Callback URL API - v3.1.2

Version Control

3.1.2-RC1  OB R/W API Team

3.1.2-RC1 Changes:

  • Initial Page (Content from 3.1.1 Event Notification Specification).
  • Removed x-fapi-financial-id HTTP header from examples.


The Callback URL API Specification described here allows a TPP to:

  • Register a callback URL with an ASPSP to receive event notifications.
  • Optionally read, update or delete a registered callback URL.



The steps and sequence diagram below provide a general outline of a notification flow for all resources in the R/W APIs.


Step 1: Setup Event Notification Configuration

  • This flow begins with a TPP creating a callback-url resource with an ASPSP.
  • The callback URL must be specified at this stage.

Step 2: Event Notification Required

  • When an event occurs on a resource that requires a notification, the ASPSP identifies the callback-url associated with the TPP owning the affected resource.
  • The ASPSP sends the event notification to the callback URL, detailing the nature of the event and identifying the affected resource.
  • The TPP initiates a client credential grant and retrieves the resource using the details contained in the event notification.

Step 3: Retrieve/Update/Delete Event Notification Configuration

  • The TPP may optionally read/update/delete the callback-url resource.

Sequence Diagram

participant TPP
participant ASPSP Authorisation Server
participant ASPSP Resource Server
participant ASPSP Notification Service
note over TPP, ASPSP Notification Service
Step 1: Setup Event Notification Configuration
end note
TPP <-> ASPSP Authorisation Server: Establish TLS 1.2 MA
TPP -> ASPSP Authorisation Server: Initiate Client Credentials Grant
ASPSP Authorisation Server -> TPP: access-token
TPP <-> ASPSP Resource Server: Establish TLS 1.2 MA
TPP -> ASPSP Resource Server: POST /callback-urls
ASPSP Resource Server -> TPP: HTTP 201 (Created),  CallbackUrlId
note over TPP, ASPSP Notification Service
 Step 2: Event Notification Required
end note
note left of ASPSP Notification Service
- Create EventNotification
- Sign EventNotification
end note
loop Retry Until Successful (as per retry policy)
ASPSP Notification Service -> TPP: POST /event-notifications, EventNotification, signature
alt success
TPP -> ASPSP Notification Service: HTTP 202 Accepted
else failure
TPP -> ASPSP Notification Service: HTTP 500/400
end alt
end loop
note right of TPP
TPP verifies signature
URL for resource contained in the
EventNotification rlk (resource links) claim
end note
TPP <-> ASPSP Authorisation Server: Establish TLS 1.2 MA
TPP -> ASPSP Authorisation Server: Initiate Client Credentials Grant
ASPSP Authorisation Server -> TPP: access-token
TPP <-> ASPSP Resource Server: Establish TLS 1.2 MA
TPP -> ASPSP Resource Server: GET Resource
ASPSP Resource Server -> TPP: HTTP 200 (OK),  Resource
note over TPP, ASPSP Notification Service
Step 3: Retrieve/Update/Delete Event Notification Configuration
end note
TPP <-> ASPSP Authorisation Server: Establish TLS 1.2 MA
TPP -> ASPSP Authorisation Server: Initiate Client Credentials Grant
ASPSP Authorisation Server -> TPP: access-token
TPP <-> ASPSP Resource Server: Establish TLS 1.2 MA
alt Retrive
TPP -> ASPSP Resource Server: GET /callback-urls
ASPSP Resource Server -> TPP: HTTP 200 (OK)
else Update
TPP -> ASPSP Resource Server: PUT /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}
ASPSP Resource Server -> TPP: HTTP 200 (OK)
else Delete
TPP -> ASPSP Resource Server: DELETE /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}
ASPSP Resource Server -> TPP: HTTP 204 (OK)
end alt
option footer=bar

Callback URL

TPPs must register a URL for TPP hosted services to receive event notifications from an ASPSP. The URL must end with the Event Notification API specification version number, followed by ‘/event-notifications'.

For example: 

Release Management

This section overviews the release management and versioning strategy for the Callback URL API.

Callback-URL Resource

TPPs must register for event-notification callbacks with the version of Event Notification API they have implemented. The version element of the Callback-URL resource is used for this purpose.


  • A TPP must only create a callback-url on one version


  • A TPP must not access a callback-url on an older version, via the CallbackUrlId for a callback-url created in a newer version.
    • E.g., a callback-url created in v4, accessed via v3.
  • An ASPSP must allow a callback-url resource to be accessed in a newer version.
  • An ASPSP must ensure callback-url fields are unchanged when accessed in a different version.


  • A TPP must not update a callback-url on an older version via a CallbackUrlId created in a newer version.
    • E.g., A callback-url is created in v4, and a PUT request on v3.
  • An ASPSP must support updating a callback-url from a previous version via a CallbackUrlId created in a newer version.
    • E.g., A callback-url is created in v3, and a PUT request on v4.


  • A TPP must not delete a callback-url on an older version via a CallbackUrlId created in a newer version.
    • E.g. A callback-url is created in v4, and request DELETE on v3.
  • An ASPSP must support deleting a callback-url from a previous version via a CallbackUrlId created in a newer version.
    • E.g., A callback-url is created in v3, and request DELETE on v4.

Callback-URL per TPP

An ASPSP will maintain at most, a single Callback-URL resource per TPP.


A TPP will set up and maintain its call back details (URL and version number) using the callback-url resource.

HTTP Operation
Mandatory ?
Grant Type
Message Signing
Idempotency Key
Request Object
Response Object
callback-urlPOSTPOST /callback-urlsOptional




Client Credentials

Signed Request

Signed Response

callback-urlGETGET /callback-urlsMandatory (if resource POST implemented)




Client CredentialsSigned ResponseNon/aOBCallbackUrlsResponse1
callback-urlPUTPUT /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}Mandatory (if resource POST implemented)




Client Credentials

Signed Request

Signed Response

callback-urlDELETEDELETE /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}Mandatory (if resource POST implemented)




Client Credentialsn/aNon/an/a

POST /callback-urls

POST /callback-urls

The API endpoint allows the TPP to ask an ASPSP to create a new callback-url resource.

  • The POST action allows the TPP to register a callback URL for an ASPSP to send event notifications to.
  • The ASPSP creates the callback-url resource and responds with a unique CallbackUrlId to refer to the resource.
  • An ASPSP must respond with a 409 error if a callback-url exists for that TPP.

GET /callback-urls

GET /callback-urls

The API endpoint allows the TPP to ask an ASPSP to retrieve its callback-url resource.

  • The ASPSP retrieves the callback-url resource and responds with the resource.

PUT /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}

PUT /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}

The API endpoint allows the TPP to ask an ASPSP to update a callback-url resource.

  • The PUT action allows the TPP to update a callback URL for an ASPSP to send event notifications to.
  • The ASPSP updates the callback-url resource and responds with the updated resource.

DELETE /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}

DELETE /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}

The API endpoint allows the TPP to ask an ASPSP to delete a callback-url resource.

  • The ASPSP deletes the callback-url resource.

Data Model

Callback Url - Request

The OBCallbackurl1 object will be used for the call to:

  • POST /callback-urls

UML Diagram

Data Dictionary



Url1..1OBCallbackUrl1/Data/UrlCallback URL for a TPP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to.xs:anyURI

Version1..1OBCallbackUrl1/Data/VersionVersion for the event notification.Max10Text

Callback Url - Response

The OBCallbackUrlResponse1 object will be used for a response to a call to:

  • POST /callback-urls
  • PUT /callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}

The OBCallbackUrlResponse1 object will also be used for the call to:

  • PUT /callback-urls


Data Dictionary



CallbackUrlId1..1OBCallbackUrlResponse1/Data/CallbackUrlIdUnique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the callback URL resource.Max40Text

Url1..1OBCallbackUrlResponse1/Data/UrlCallback URL for a TPP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to.xs:anyURI

Version1..1OBCallbackUrlResponse1/Data/VersionVersion for the event notification.Max10Text

Callback Urls - Response

The OBCallbackUrlsResponse1 object will be used for a response to a call to:

  • GET /callback-urls


Data Dictionary




CallbackUrlId1..1OBCallbackUrlsResponse1/Data/CallbackUrl/CallbackUrlIdUnique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the callback url resource.Max40Text

Url1..1OBCallbackUrlsResponse1/Data/CallbackUrl/UrlCallback URL for a TPP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to.xs:anyURI

Version1..1OBCallbackUrlsResponse1/Data/CallbackUrl/VersionVersion for the event notification.Max10Text

Usage Examples

Create Callback Url

POST /callback-urls

Callback Url Request
POST /callback-urls HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
x-jws-signature: TGlmZSdzIGEgam91cm5leSBub3QgYSBkZXN0aW5hdGlvbiA=..T2ggZ29vZCBldmVuaW5nIG1yIHR5bGVyIGdvaW5nIGRvd24gPw==
x-fapi-interaction-id: 86ebcd82-8e38-4f2d-a79c-965b41d15865
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "Data": {
	"Url": "",
	"Version": "3.1"

POST /callback-urls response

Callback Url Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
x-jws-signature: V2hhdCB3ZSBnb3QgaGVyZQ0K..aXMgZmFpbHVyZSB0byBjb21tdW5pY2F0ZQ0K
x-fapi-interaction-id: 86ebcd82-8e38-4f2d-a79c-965b41d15865
Content-Type: application/json

	"Data": {
		"CallbackUrlId": "CB-101",
		"Url": "",
		"Version": "3.1"
	"Links": {
		"Self": ""
	"Meta": {}

Get Callback Urls

GET /callback-urls

GET Callback Url Request
GET /callback-urls HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
x-fapi-interaction-id: 86ebcd82-8e38-4f2d-a79c-965b41d15865
Accept: application/json

GET /callback-urls response

GET Callback Url Response
GET/1.1 200 OK
x-jws-signature: V2hhdCB3ZSBnb3QgaGVyZQ0K..aXMgZmFpbHVyZSB0byBjb21tdW5pY2F0ZQ0K
x-fapi-interaction-id: 86ebcd82-8e38-4f2d-a79c-965b41d15865
Content-Type: application/json

	"Data": {
		"CallbackUrl": [{
			"CallbackUrlId": "CB-101",
			"Url": "",
			"Version": "3.1"
	"Links": {
		"Self": ""
	"Meta": {}

Swagger Specification

The Swagger Specification for Callback URL API can be downloaded from the following links: