Known Specification Issues

Known Specification Issues

Known issues with the latest versions of Open Banking specifications are detailed here. For each release, we have included a table that shows the issue and also any impact and/or mitigation.

This page is NOT concerned with issues relating to the implementation of the specifications (either by an ASPSP or a TPP) or for documentation and guides, but ONLY for the actual specifications. In many cases, these issues have already been fixed in a release candidate for the next version, which is available to all registered users in the Open Banking Collaboration Space

To report any other issues, please log via the Open Banking Service Desk.

 Read/Write v4.0




Impact/MitigationFix in VersionAreaReporterReportedReported

Service Desk Ticket Number

(OBL access only)

Work Item Ticket Number

(OBL Access Only)


Spec pages have OBCashAccountDebtor4 listed against Debtor and DebtorAccount in OBDomestic2


In v3 the these objects contained the same fields and shared a base object (OBCashAccountDebtor4).

In v4:

  • DebtorAccount includes the new Proxy object
  • Debtor includes the new LEI field.

The initial release still referenced OBCashAccountDebtor4 for both these objects.

We will address this in a future release, the swaggers contain in-line definitions for some objects so payloads are unaffected.

Specs in future release

Swagger - update in future release (to remove in-line definitions)

Internal External repo- no change

SpecsASPSPJul 2024





OBDomesticVRPInitiation and OBDomesticVRPInstruction contain CreditorAgent

CreditorAgent was removed in v319_KI9 and should not be present in VRP payloads. 

Specs - updated 19th September 2024

Swagger - updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

VRP APSPSJul 202400049809

The OBRemittanceInformation2/Unstructured data dictionary has the correct cardinality but the class column does not clearly indicate this is an array of Max140Text values. 

JSON examples show as a single entity rather than an array and Swagger has a length of 256 for the strings

OBRemittanceInformation2/Unstructured is an array of strings with Max140Text length each, as shown by the cardinality. The Data Dictionary class column will be updated in future release to further clarify this.

JSON examples will be updated in a future release and swagger will be updated in due course

Specs - updated 19th September 2024

Swagger - updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

SpecAPSPSJul 202400049781

CreditorAgent is listed in the OBDomesticVRPInstruction data dictionary but is not present in the UML or swagger

Duplicate of v40_KI2

CreditorAgent was removed in v319_KI9 and should not be listed in the Data DictionaryN/AVRPAPSPSJul 202400049747

VRP spec pages list OBCashAccountDebtorWithName length as Max70Text but swagger lists it as Max350Text  


Spec page is correct, swagger will be updated

Swagger - updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

SwaggerTSPJul 202400049681

OBWritePaymentDetails1 data dictionary is missing and UML shows wrong cardinality for Data and PaymentDetails.

VRP Payment details have been rolled back to v3 schema with ISO20022 values but table still shows the v4 changes

The data dictionary will be restored.

Swagger cardinality will be updated to show that Data is a singular mandatory field and PaymentStatus is an unbounded array of payment status details.

VRP swagger will be updated to match correct schema

UML diagrams will be updated when the spec pages are updated.

Specs - updated 19th September 2024

Swagger -updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

PISPTSPJul 202400049708

VRP & PISP Class name for the 'refund' object is misaligned between the data dictionary and swaggers

The data dictionary assigns the refund object class as "OBDomesticRefundAccount1" and in the swaggers this is defined inline without a class (PISP) or as OBCashAccountDebtorWithName (VRP).

Object definitions in the swaggers are correct and class names will be aligned in a future release

Specs/Swaggers - aligned in a future release

Internal External repo- no change

PISP & VRPTSPJul 202400049811 CDRW-4609 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Reference information missing from OBReadStandingOrder6


This was replaced by RemittanceInformation but is missing from the payload.

Data Dictionary, UML and swaggers will be updated to include this object

Specs - updated 19th September 2024

Swagger - updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

AISPASPSPJul 202400050015
v40_KI9OpenExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code was originally listed in ISO_External_CodeSet, this has been moved to OB_Internal_CodeSet

Codeset name is unchanged and can be found in the OB file.

Swaggers will be updated with the correct location.

Spec pages will be updated in next release to reference updated file.

Spec pages - updated in next release

Swaggers - updated updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo in v4.0 onwards

PISP, VRP, AISPInternal reviewSeptember 2024


PISP Standing Order payload requires frequency to be provided.  This object is mandatory but is contained in an optional parent object.

The parent object, MandateRelatedInformation, will be mandatory in a future update.

Spec pages - next release

Swaggers - updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSPSeptember 2024

v40_KI11Openv4 File Payments status codes do not represent both the status of both file processing and subsequent payments within the file itself.

The codes will be rolled back to v3 alignment but with ISO 20022 values.  This ensures file status and payment details payloads can be returned successfully as per v3 implementations.

Spec page shows original codes from v4 release, participants should refer to the swagger file.

File payments will be reviewed at TDA in due course to determine what changes, if any, are appropriate.

Spec pages - next release

Swaggers - updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

PISPInterval ReviewSeptember 2024

v40_KI12ClosedCodeset updates

Codeset listings have been updated on the GitHub repository. Change-log available here

Spec pages – primarily aligned on 19th September 2024

v40_KI9 will be addressed in a future release

Swagger in refresh

Internal External repo in v4.0 onwards

AllInternal ReviewSeptember 2024

v40_KI13ClosedSwagger updates - a number of misalignments have been identified and addressed in the swagger files.Updated swaggers have been issued, change-log available here

Swaggers updated 19th September 2024

Internal External repo- no change

AllInternal ReviewSeptember 2024

v40_KI14ClosedSpec page updatesIn TDA decisions 268 and 269 it was agreed to publish a refreshed set of pages addressing minor issues.  The change log is available here

Spec Pages in refresh

Internal External repo- no change

AllInternal ReviewSeptember 2024

v40_KI15OpenOBMultiAuthorisation1/Status is listed as as using the  OBExternalStatus2Code enum in  the top level data dictionaryThe correct enumeration is OBInternalStatus2Code - searching the codeset repo for OBExternalStatus2Code will return the correct enumeration.

Spec pages in a future update

Swagger - no change required

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSPOctober 202400053089 CDRW-4672 - Getting issue details... STATUS

International Payments Multi Authorisation table lists AWAU instead of AWAF

File Payments status table lists AWAU instead of AWAF

The correct value to return is AWAF

Spec pages - in a future update

Swaggers - updated in due course

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSPOctober 202400053089

CDRW-4669 - Getting issue details... STATUS

CDRW-4668 - Getting issue details... STATUS

v40_KI17OpenOBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1 listing should be called OBWritePaymentDetails1 in both the heading and data dictionary

OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1 contains OBWritePaymentDetails1 as part of the payload.  UML and swagger files show correct class name

Spec pages - in aaddressed in v4.0 Swagger update 3 future update

Swagger - no change required

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSPOctober 2024N/A CDRW-4673 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v40_KI18ClosedOBWriteDomesticResponse5 is missing the RCVD enum value in the swagger fileRCVD is listed on the spec pages and Codeset repository.  Swagger will be updated in due course

Spec pages - no change

Swagger - addressed in v4.0 Swagger update 3

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSPOctober 2024N/A CDRW-4667 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OBParty2/Phone and OBParty2/Mobile data dictionary regex listing is missing the preceding slash.

One of the JSON examples phone numbers on the page is missing the dash.

Examples for PhoneNumber_0 (Phone) and PhoneNumber_1 (Mobile) in the OBParty2 swagger are missing the dash.

Correct regex is \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}

Phone number examples should contain a dash: +44-5556541109

Spec pages - in a future update

Swagger - addressed in v4.0 Swagger update 3

Internal External repo- no change

AISPInternal ReviewOctober 2024N/A CDRW-4671 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OBReadTransaction6/Data/Transaction/BankTransactionCode/Code uses ExternalBankTransactionFamily1Code which is defined as a 4 character code in ISO 20022 but JSON examples use the longer Code Names.

OBReadTransaction6/Data/Transaction/BankTransactionCode/SubCode uses ExternalBankTransactionSubFamily1Code which is defined as a 4 character code in ISO 20022 but JSON examples use the longer Code Names.

Examples will be updated with correct codes

Spec pages - in a future update

Internal External repo- no change

AISPASPSPOctober 2024/wiki/spaces/TDA/pages/975143249 CDRW-4657 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v40_KI21OpenBalance Transfer example in reference page needs updatingExamples in that section will be reviewed and updated for a future release.

Spec pages - in a future update

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSPOctober 202400052502 CDRW-4658 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v40_KI22ClosedFile Payments payload is missing UK.OBIE.PaymentInitiation.4.0 from the FileType enum

Swagger will be updated: UK.OBIE.PaymentInitiation.4.0 will replace UK.OBIE.PaymentInitiation.3.1

Specs - no change

Swagger - addressed in v4.0 Swagger update 3

Internal External repo- no change

PISPASPSP/Internal reviewNovember 202400053447 CDRW-4675 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Item 2 of the Access Revocation description is misaligned to CEG wording:

The status of the account-access-consent must be changed to CANC and the AISP must be allowed to request PSU to re-authenticate the same account-access-consent resource.

The text will be aligned to the language used in the CEG:

The status of the account-access-consent should be changed to CANC. If the status of the consent is updated then an appropriate reason must be provided in StatusReason. The AISP must be allowed to request PSU to re-authenticate the same account-access-consent resource.

Specs - in a future updated

Swagger/FCS - no change

Internal External repo- no change

AISPASPSPNovember 202400053437 CDRW-4693 - Getting issue details... STATUS

File Payments swagger is missing CreditorAgent in the initiation block of OBWriteFile2 and UltimateDebtor field reference points to the UltimateCreditor schema

CreditorAgent should be present in the the payload as it exists in the consent initiation block - note File Payments is currently under review.

UltimateDebtor and UltimateCreditor object schemas are semantically identical apart from the field descriptions, swagger will be updated to point to the correct schema

Specs - UML diagram updated in next release

Swagger - addressed in v4.0 Swagger update 3

FCS - in a future update

Internal External repo- no change

PISPInternal ReviewNovember 2024NA

CDRW-4694 - Getting issue details... STATUS

CDRW-4695 - Getting issue details... STATUS


A number of deprecated enumeration values were removed from the OBRisk/PaymentContextCode field in v4 for both PIS and VRP. These values were deprecated in v3. 

In order to assist migration to v4 these codes will be reintroduced to the v4 swagger files so they can be returned for long lived consents.

Note: ASPSPs are not required to, but may choose to make PIS ConsentIds accessible across versions as these are short-lived consents: https://openbankinguk.github.io/read-write-api-site3/v4.0/profiles/payment-initiation-api-profile.html#get

The following values will be reintroduced to the swagger and marked as deprecated:

  • BillPayment
  • EcommerceGoods
  • EcommerceServices
  • PartyToParty
  • PispPayee
  • Other

Note: These values should not be accepted in a new v4 initiation request, they are only to be used for returning legacy v3 PIS & VRP data where relevant.

Specs - no change

Swagger - in a future update

FCS - swagger update only, no change to conformance tests.

Internal External repo- no change

PIS/VRPASPSPDecember 2024


CDRW-4698 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Added 9 codesets 1100, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1165, 1166, 1177, 1178, 1180 under OBExternalStatusReason1Code in OB_Internal_Codeset.

To enable ASPSPs to provide FPS proprietary missing reason codes

Specs - no change

Swagger - no change

FCS - no change

Internal External repo in v4.0 onwards


October 2024


CDRW-4722 - Getting issue details... STATUS

v40_KI27OpenAdded RJCT codeset under ExternalEntryStatus1Code in ISO_External_Codeset.For backward compatibility with previous versions

Specs - no change

Swagger - in a future update

FCS - swagger update only, no change to conformance tests.

Internal External repo in v4.0 onwards

AISASPSPDecember 202400054412 | Case | Salesforce

CDRW-4721 - Getting issue details... STATUS


MandateRelatedInformation is modelled on the ISO 20022 object and was introduced as a mandatory field in v4, replacing frequency information provided in v3.  2 issues have been identified:

  1. Standing Orders:
    Some ASPSPs support complex frequency patterns and are unable to represent these using ISO codes alone.

  2. Direct Debits:
    The Frequency object in MandateRelatedInformation is a mandatory component of the payload and contains another mandatory field named  Type
    ASPSPs must provided a value in the Type field but there is no ISO code available in the OBFrequency6 codeset representing 'not known/not available'

  1. The Type field will be updated to support the v3 patterns and the v4 ISO codes.  Where a legacy value is used in this field, PointInTime and CountPerPeriod should not be present in the payload as they will contain no values. Refer to Optional Fields for examples of how optional fields with no values should be treated.
    Note: ISO codes are the preferred way to represent frequency information in v4 and legacy values are provided to support some ASPSPs who have this requirement.

  2. New 4 character codes will be added to the OBFrequency6 codeset to support a wider range of frequencies and indicate when no frequency information is available (for Direct Debits):

Please refer to ASPSP developer portals for further information on whether legacy values in the Type field are supported alongside additional information relevant to MandateRelatedInformation usage

Spec pages - updated in next release

Swagger - updated in due course

FCS - internal swagger updated in due course

Internal External repo in v4.0 onwards

AIS/PISASPSPJanuary 2025N/A CDRW-4662 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v40_KI29OpenSome ASPSP used the optional NumberOfPayments field in v3 to calculate final payment dates for Standing Orders, this field was removed in v4. 

It has been reported that without NumberOfPayments being present and FinalPaymentDateTime not being submitted some ASPSPs do not have sufficient information to create a Standing Order.

NumberOfPayments will be restored to the Standing Order payload as an optional field in the same location as it was in the v3 schema:




Please refer to ASPSP developer portals for further information on whether NumberOfPayments is available in their v4 implementation.

Spec pages - updated in next release

Swagger - updated in due course

FCS - internal swagger updated in due course

Internal External repo- no change

AIS/PISASPSPJanuary 2025N/A CDRW-4662 - Getting issue details... STATUS

It has been identified that some regex patterns in the YAML and JSON documents (referred to as the swagger files) have inconsistent escaping of the '\' character when the files are compared.

Whilst this does not appear to impact implementations (these inconsistencies existed in v3) all regex pattens in the files will be reviewed and any updates to ensure alignment will be published in the next Swagger update cycle

No mitigations required at this time.

Spec pages - no change

Swagger - updated in due course

FCS - internal swagger updated in due course

Internal External repo- no change

AllASPSPJanuary 20250055203 CDRW-4726 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Removed the duplicate enteries of ExternalDocumentFormat1code from ISO_External_Codeset and OB_Internal_Codeset. These are :


Duplicate entries removed

Spec pages - no change

Swagger - no change

Internal External repo in 4.0 onwards

AISInternal ReviewDecember 2024N/A CDRW-4724 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 Read/Write API v3.1.11
Fix in VersionAreaReporterReported

Service Desk Ticket Number

(OBIE access only)

Work Item Ticket Number

(OBIE Access Only)


It is an optional field but may be required to be populated where OBExternalAccountIdentification4Code is 'UK.OBIE.Wallet'


Specs in a future release

FCS and Swagger no changes

SpecsASPSPJun-2023Case 00036358 CDRW-4214 - Getting issue details... STATUS


TDA decision 263 has rolled back v3110_KI4. This restores the incorrectly spelled ContractPresentInidicator to the VRP swagger.  The Spec pages show the correct spelling in-line with the original KI fix.

Swagger uses ContractPresentInidicator as per 3.1.10, Spec pages show the fixed ContractPresentIndicator as per KI3110_KI4. 

The incorrect spelling from 3.1.10 should be used until addressed in a future release.

Swagger rolled back for 3.1.11.

Spelling will be addressed for Specs and Swagger in a future release.

VRPASPSPJun-2023Case 00037204 CDRW-4213 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v3111_KI3ClosedErrata fix for v3110_KI9 being withdrawn, swagger update to match specsErrata fix, response HTTP code updated to 201 in VRP funds-confirmation endpoint to match specs

FCS(v1.7.2), Swagger in v3.1.11 onwards

Specs- No change

VRPASPSPJun-2023N/A REFAPP-1323 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v3111_KI4OpenSwagger defines HTTP 409 error for VRP payments but is missing from the Payments APIInconsistent error responses for the same issue, such as duplicate idempotency key being used, occurring on VRP and Payments APISwagger in due coursePISPASPSPAugust 202300038480 CDRW-4216 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v3111_KI5WithdrawnDebtorAccount in VRP OBDomesticVRPResponse is listed as being mandatory in the Spec data table but the UML and swagger do not matchField is mandatory and should be returned, Specs will be updated in future release.  Swagger and FCS will be updated in due course.

Specs in a future release

FCS - Upcoming fix

Swagger fixed in  release 3


CDRW-4215 - Getting issue details... STATUS

v3111_KI6ClosedFCS is not sending VRPType in OBDomesticVRPRequestField is mandatory as of 3.1.11Fixed in FCS v1.7.5VRPTPPSept-202300039718 REFAPP-1332 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v3111_KI7ClosedUK.OBIE.Wallet is missing from OBExternalAccountIdentification4Code in the PISP, VRP and CBPII swagger files.Swagger is not aligned to specSwagger fixed in  release 3PISP, VRP and CBPIIASPSPSept-202300039883 CDRW-4217 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In the Permission codes breakdown the descriptions for ReadTransactionDebits and ReadTransactionCredits are flipped.

ReadTransactionDebits should give access to debit transactions, ReadTransactionCredits should give access to credit transactions

Specs in future release.

FCS & Swagger  - no change

AISPASPSPOct 202300041280 CDRW-4219 - Getting issue details... STATUS
v3111_KI9OpenPSUInteractionTypes  references an enum named OBVRPInteractionTypes, the definition of this enum is missing from the VRP namespaced enumerations spec page.Enumeration is listed in VRP swagger:

  • InSession
  • OffSession

Specs in future release.

FCS & swagger - no change

Specs (VRP)OBLNov 2023N/A CDRW-4221 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The VRP specification advises that the PISP must populate the VRP payment submissions reference field with the same value as specified in the consent.  This is causing valid VRP payments with a dynamic reference, such as "May 2023 Sweeping", to fail.

There are valid use-cases for VRPs to have a different reference to that of the consent and explicit matching of the reference field is not required. This will be addressed in a future release

Specs and Swagger in a future release

FCS - may be included in a future release

VRPTPPNov 202300037579 CDRW-4224 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The payment consent contains a "ReadRefundAccount" field which requests that when a payment is made the refund account details are shared with the PISP.  This account information is returned in the payment response payload in the 'Refund' block.

The swagger files indicate that the refund account information should be shared in the consent response in the "Data.Debtor" which does not match the usage as described on the spec pages.

Please refer to the Spec pages for correct usage: https://openbankinguk.github.io/read-write-api-site3/v3.1.11/resources-and-data-models/pisp/domestic-payment-consents.html#data-dictionary-2

The descriptions and information for refund information will be addressed to ensure consistency.

Specs and Swagger in a future release

FCS - swagger files shipped with the FCS will be updated when the main swagger is updated

PISPASPSPJan 202400043858 CDRW-4226 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This replaces v3111_KI5 which has been withdrawn

DebtorAccount in VRP OBDomesticVRPResponse is listed as being mandatory in the Spec data table but the UML and swagger do not match

Field is not mandatory and does not need to be returned, Specs will be updated in future release. 

Specs in a future release.

Swagger updated in due course.

FCS - no change

VRPASPSPFeb 202400043788 CDRW-4228 - Getting issue details... STATUS

VRP Swagger has an erroneous reference to CBPII in the OBVRPFundsConfirmationResponse "Reference" field:

"Unique reference, as assigned by the CBPII, to unambiguously refer to the request related to the payment transaction."

The correct text is: 

"Unique reference, as assigned by the PISP, to unambiguously refer to the request related to the payment transaction."

Specs no change

Swagger & FCS (swagger) updated in due course

VRPTPPFeb 202400044831

CDRW-4230 - Getting issue details... STATUS

REFAPP-1356 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Several class types are swapped in the Statements data dictionary:

OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementRate/Rate and OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementRate/Type

OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementValue/Value and OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementValue/Type

OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementRate/Rate is Max40Text

OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementRate/Type is OBExternalStatementRateType1Code

OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementValue/Value is Max40Text

OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementValue/Type is OBExternalStatementValueType1Code

Specs in next release

Swagger & FCS no change

AISPASPSPMarch 202400046375 CDRW-4257 - Getting issue details... STATUS
 Read/Write API v3.1.10
Fix in VersionAreaReporterReported

Service Desk Ticket Number

(OBIE access only)

Work Item Ticket Number

(OBIE Access Only)

  1. VRPType is missing in OBDomesticVRPRequest

2. Usage examples are not showing VRPType selected

  1. Errata fix to  OBDomesticVRPRequest - UML Diagram and Table to add field VRPType (1..1)
  2. Errata fix to usage examples to add VRPType in Data block

Specs, Swagger, FCS in v3.1.11VRPOBIE Internal reviewMay-2022N/A CDRW-4134 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Errata fix to change VRPType from string to array in usage examples for domestic-vrp-consents

Errata fix to usage examples 

Specs in v3.1.11

Swagger, FCS-No change

VRPASPSPMay-2022Case 00022980 CDRW-4133 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Errata fix where the field is incorrectly named as BeneficiaryPaymentDetailsPrepopulatedIndicator


Errata fix to change field BeneficiaryPaymentDetailsPrepopulatedIndicator to BeneficiaryPrepopulatedIndicator 


Specs in v3.1.11

Swagger, FCS-No change

TRIASPSPApr-2022Case - 00022753 CDRW-4152 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Errata fix where the field is incorrectly named as ContractPresentInidicator

Errata fix to change field ContractPresentInidicator to ContractPresentIndicator


Specs, Swagger, FCS in v3.1.11TRIASPSPJune 2022



CDRW-4154 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Errata fix to change pattern from 

^\d{1,13}$\|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$ to ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$

for all of the below APIs


  • OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/Amount/Amount
  • OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine/Amount/Amount


  • OBReadTransaction6/Data/Transaction/Amount/Amount
  • OBReadTransaction6/Data/Transaction/ChargeAmount/Amount
  • OBReadTransaction6/Data/Transaction/CurrencyExchange/InstructedAmount/Amount
  • OBReadTransaction6/Data/Transaction/Balance/Amount/Amount


  • OBReadDirectDebit2/Data/DirectDebit/PreviousPaymentAmount/Amount


  • OBReadStandingOrder6/Data/StandingOrder/FirstPaymentAmount/Amount
  • OBReadStandingOrder6/Data/StandingOrder/NextPaymentAmount/Amount
  • OBReadStandingOrder6/Data/StandingOrder/LastPaymentAmount/Amount
  • OBReadStandingOrder6/Data/StandingOrder/FinalPaymentAmount/Amount


  • OBReadScheduledPayment3/Data/ScheduledPayment/InstructedAmount/Amount


  • OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementBenefit/Amount/Amount
  • OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementFee/Amount/Amount
  • OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementInterest/Amount/Amount
  • OBReadStatement2/Data/Statement/StatementAmount/Amount/Amount

Funds Confirmation

  • OBFundsConfirmation1/Data/InstructedAmount/Amount
  • OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/InstructedAmount/Amount

Specs in v3.1.11

Swagger, FCS-No change


July 2022

Oct 2022



OB Internal review

CDRW-4155 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Add missing 409 in payload containing "UK.OBIE.Rules.ResourceAlreadyExists" in VRP

Swagger, FCS in v3.1.10

Specs-No change



TPPJul-22Case 00025699CDRW-4156

Update usage examples of "GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances" to fit OBReadBalance1 object definition.

Errata fix to usage examples → 

Specs in v3.1.11

Swagger, FCS-No change




Add OBVRPStatusReasonCode 

  • UK.OBIE.ExemptionNotApplied
  • UK.OBIE.OtherReason

Note: ASPSPs may define enumerations that are more appropriate and use the OtherReason only in scenarios where the actual reason cannot be determined or disclosed.

Specs in v3.1.11

Swagger, FCS-No change



Update FCS test case: OB-301-VRP-100650 - Check VRP Funds Confirmation (POST /domestic-vrp-consents/{ConsentId}/funds-confirmation)

Respond with status code 200 instead of 201.

To align to PISP CoF

Response with status code 200 

FCS(v1.7.1), Swagger in v3.1.10 onwards

Specs- No change

VRPASPSPSep-22Case 00027526


Since this is a POST request the response should be 201. Hence no change 

v3110_KI10ClosedUpdate FCS tool
  1. Add missing test cases for GET /accounts/{AccountId}/parties
  2. Update test cases GET "/party" - a condition from "optional" to "conditional" 
  3. Add test case for Idempotency for AISP
  4. Add test case for validation - not specified FinalPaymentAmount (Standing orders – Domestic & International both)
  5. Add test case for Idempotency for PIS-VRP
In the case of Idempotency HTTP error code, 403 and 401 both will be accepted as acceptable return values based on 

FCS in v1.7.2

Specs, Swagger- No change



& OB internal review






Fix the DateTime query parameter ("fromStatementDateTime") to have milliseconds precision in the below FCS test scenarios:

  • OB-301-STA-106200,
  • OB-301-STA-106100.


From "2016-01-01T10:40:12.34.567Z" to "2016-01-01T10:40:12.34567Z"

FCS in v1.7.2

Specs, Swagger-No change
AISPASPSPJan-23Case 00029516



Fix the DateTime query parameter ("fromStatementDateTime") from <Date Extended and Time Basic> to <Date Basic and Time Basic> in the below FCS test scenario 

  • OB-301-STA-106000


From 2016-01-01T104012.345Z” to “20160101T104012.345Z”

FCS in v1.7.2

Specs, Swagger-No change



v3110_KI13Closed"UK.OBIE.Rules.FailsControlParameters" missing from 

OBErrorResponseError1Code enumeration

Add "UK.OBIE.Rules.FailsControlParameters"  to list


Swagger - no change

FCS - no change

PISPOBIE Internal reviewApr-23OB internal reviewCDRW-4196
v3110_KI14ClosedTest cases OB-301-DOP-102000 and OB-301-DOP-101600 do not appear on the run list when adding the following endpoints to the discovery file in FCS:
  • post /international-scheduled-payment-consents
  • post /international-payment-consents

Impact: Unable to complete testing

Mitigation: Under review

TBCPISPASPSPApr-23Case 00034668REFAPP-1318
 Dynamic Client Registration v3.3

Service Desk Ticket Number

(OBIE access only)

Work Item Ticket Number

(OBIE Access Only)


The enumeration for application_type has incorrect values

This will be fixed in a forthcoming release.

GeneralTPPAug-2020 OBSD-17624 - Getting issue details... STATUS CDRW-3518 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The endpoint should be GET not POST


"POST /register/{ClientId}" should be "GET /register/{ClientId}"

This will be fixed in a forthcoming release.

GeneralTPPAug-2020 OBSD-17490 - Getting issue details... STATUS CDRW-3519 - Getting issue details... STATUS
 Read/Write API v3.1.9

Service Desk Ticket Number

(OBIE access only)

Work Item Ticket Number

(OBIE Access Only)


For AISP: OBReadConsent1:

UML diagrams are incorrectly showing the Permissions field as 0..1 in version 3.1.7 onwards

  1. Fix UML diagram in v3.1.8 and v3.1.7 to reflect  Permissions 1..*

VRPASPSPOct-2021 OBSD-26532 - Getting issue details... STATUS

3. VRP Domestic VRP Response


  1. Fix UML diagram to reflect  Instructed amount field as 1..1 in below objects
    1. OBDomesticVRPInstruction

    2. OBDomesticVRPRequest

    3. OBDomesticVRPResponse

  2. Update swagger

VRPASPSPSep-2021 OBSD-26140 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Changes removed are struck out and added are in blue

  1. Update state model diagram to remove the status.
  2. Update below table under state model - vrp consents section


Status Description



The consent resource is awaiting PSU authorisation.



The consent resource has been rejected.



The consent resource has been successfully authorised.



The consent resource has been revoked by the PSU, via ASPSP's  online channel .

3. Update swagger

VRPASPSPSep-2021 OBSD-26142 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Fix in section to remove 'Revoked' status


Changes removed are struck out and add