Funds Confirmation v3.0

Version Control

3.0-draft3 OB R/W API Team
  • Moved resource content from parent page.
  • Renamed FundsConfirmationConsentId to ConsentId.
  • Reference now a mandatory field.
3.0-draft3 OB R/W API Team
  • Clarify description of 'Reference' field.
3.0-draft4 OB R/W API Team
  • Clarified use of Idempotency Key in endpoint table.
3.0-draft4 OB R/W API Team
  • Errata - made the Reference definition consistent across both the funds-confirmation request and response.
3.0-draft7 OB R/W API Team
  • No Change
3.0-RC2 OB R/W API Team
  • No Change
3.0-RC3 OB R/W API TeamNo Change
3.0 OB R/W API TeamThis is the baseline version. No change from RC3.


ResourceHTTP OperationEndpointMandatory ?ScopeGrant TypeMessage SigningIdempotency KeyRequest ObjectResponse Object
funds-confirmationPOSTPOST /funds-confirmationsMandatoryfundsconfirmationsAuthorization CodeNoNoOBFundsConfirmation1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1

POST /funds-confirmations

Funds Confirmation Endpoint
POST /funds-confirmations

If the CBPII would like to confirm funds with the ASPSP, it should create a new funds-confirmation resource, and check the funds available flag in the response.

  • The ASPSP creates the funds-confirmation resource and responds with a unique FundsConfirmationId to refer to the resource, and a flag confirming if funds are available.
  • The CBPII must use a token issued via authorization code grant and specify the ConsentId in the request payload.
  • This CBPII must use a currency of the account.

Data Model

This data dictionary section gives the detail on the payload content.

Funds Confirmation - Request

The OBFundsConfirmation1 object will be used for the following:

  • Request to POST /funds-confirmations

UML Diagram

Data Dictionary

ConsentId1..1OBFundsConfirmation1/Data/ConsentIdUnique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the funds confirmation consent resource.Max128Text
Reference1..1OBFundsConfirmation1/Data/ReferenceUnique reference, as assigned by the CBPII, to unambiguously refer to the request related to the payment transaction.Max35Text
InstructedAmount1..1OBFundsConfirmation1/Data/InstructedAmountAmount of money to be confirmed as available funds in the debtor account. Contains an Amount and a Currency.OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Amount1..1OBFundsConfirmation1/Data/InstructedAmount/AmountA number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217.ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType
Currency1..1OBFundsConfirmation1/Data/InstructedAmount/CurrencyA code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds".ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode^[A-Z]{3,3}$

Funds Confirmation - Response

The OBFundsConfirmationResponse1 object will be used for the following:

  • Response to POST /funds-confirmations

UML Diagram


The OBFundsConfirmationResponse1 object contains the same information as the OBFundsConfirmation1 - but with additional fields:

  • FundsConfirmationId - to uniquely identify the funds-confirmation resource
  • FundsAvailable - to indicate the result of a confirmation of funds check.
  • CreationDateTime - to indicate when the resource was created

Data Dictionary

FundsConfirmationId1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/FundsConfirmationIdUnique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the funds confirmation resource.Max40Text
ConsentId1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/ConsentIdUnique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the funds confirmation consent resource.Max128Text
CreationDateTime1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/CreationDateTimeDate and time at which the resource was created.ISODateTime
FundsAvailable1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/FundsAvailableFlag to indicate the result of a confirmation of funds check.xs:boolean
Reference1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/ReferenceUnique reference, as assigned by the CBPII, to unambiguously refer to the request related to the payment transaction.Max35Text
InstructedAmount1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/InstructedAmountAmount of money to be confirmed as available funds in the debtor account. Contains an Amount and a Currency.OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Amount1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/InstructedAmount/AmountA number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217.ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType
Currency1..1OBFundsConfirmationResponse1/Data/InstructedAmount/CurrencyA code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds".ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode^[A-Z]{3,3}$