Directory? | Open Banking |
Location of Well Known Endpoints? | OB Technical Directory | The Well Known Endpoint for our Sandbox is: It is also indicated in the support section together with other relevant info:
The Production Well Known Endpoint is: It is also indicated in the support section together with other relevant info: |
API Standard Implemented? | Open Banking v3.1 |
Name of Account Holder Implementation Date? | TBC (see notes) | This optional field has not been implemented yet but is planned for some time in the future. |
Date of Current eIDAS Implementation? | 14/09/19 |
Current Certificates used for Identification? | MTLS available. eIDAS QWAC/QSEAL. EIDAS certificates will be validated using the OBIE directory |
Current Certificates used for Transport? | OB Transport OBWAC QWAC | EIDAS certificates will be validated using the OBIE directory |
Current Certificates used for Signing? | OB Signing OBSEAL | EIDAS certificates will be validated using the OBIE directory |
Date of Future eIDAS Implementation? | No future update currently planned. |
Future Certificates used for Identification? | No future upgrades planned |
Future Certificates used for Transport? | No future upgrades planned |
Future Certificates used for Signing? | No future upgrades planned |
Major Milestones | Version 3.1 was implemented in June 2019 and Security Conformance SUITE certification was achieved on August 2019 | (Inc Other Products, API Updates, API Deprecations, etc) |
Brand(s) |
Security Profile? | FAPI Open ID |
Security Profile Certification? | Yes |
CIBA | No |
Using Open Banking as your eIDAS Trust Framework? | Yes |
Are you caching the Directory? | No |
Transaction IDs | We are supporting: ASPSPs provide a Unique, Immutable TransactionID from their core system |