Testing interface Open Banking API standard v3.0 13/03/2019 Wide usage interface Open Banking API Standard v3.0 13/03/2019 Stress testing (Open Banking API standard v3.0) 30/06/2019 Open Banking API standard v3.1.1 13/03/2020 Infrastructure upgrade 13/03/2020 eIDAS 28/02/2020
(Inc Other Products, API Updates, API Deprecations, etc)
Security Profile?
FAPI 13/03/2020
Security Profile Certification?
FAPI 13/03/2020
The Bank does not offer a mobile banking app
Using Open Banking as your eIDAS Trust Framework?
Cynergy Bank will utilise an independent eIDAS solution provider. Cynergy Bank will also offer OBIE's Dynamic Client Registration
Are you caching the Directory?
Transaction IDs
Immutable Transaction ID from Cynergy's Core Banking System
Customer Journey
Implementing Customer Experience Guidelines?
Implementing Bespoke User Journeys?
Implementing App to App?
Cynergy Bank does not offer a mobile banking app
App to App Implementation Date?
Cynergy Bank does not offer a mobile banking app
Options on 90 day re-authentication?
90 day consent model as per SCA-RTS Article 10
Support Embedded Flow?
Dispute Management System?
FCA Adjustment Period - Maintaining Screen Scraping?
AISP: Username + Password (as knowledge factors) + hard token/soft token (as possession factors)/One time password (to be deprecated) PISP: Username + Password (as knowledge factors) + hard token/soft token (as possession factors)/One time password (to be deprecated)
Authentication Method - Private Channel (APP)?
The Bank does not offer a mobile banking app
Authentication Method Implementation Date (Open Banking Channel)?
Cynergy Bank is currently rolling out a replacement 2FA service which will be available to all online channels simultaneously at point of deployment
Authentication Method Implementation Date (Private Channel)?
Cynergy Bank will implement the Authentication Method on however, the Authentication Method won't be switched on until , once the Bank has provisioned customers for new 2FA services.
SCA Implementation Date?
SCA Scope? (will it inhibit non PSD2 accounts)
Applicable for all payment account holders with Customer Channel (Online Banking) access. Appli