Please specify the location of the guidance that explains your strategy and plans for when your dedicated interface is unavailable. This should be a URL to your dev portal or artefact that provides TPPs with the information they require
Article 10 - Maximum time period after authentication?
Please specify how long the AISP has from the time when they receive the access token (after PSU authentication). This is the period the AISP must submit their first request before SCA will be re-applied to endpoints NOT exempt of SCA under Article 10. ASPSPs should consider that this timeline is consistent with the time limit applied by the ASPSP in the existing online PSU interface (i.e. before the PSU is logged out)
Article 10 - Endpoints exempt of SCA
Please specify which AIS endpoints will be exempt from SCA under Article 10. (delete as appropriate): Accounts, Balances, Transactions, Beneficiaries, Direct Debits, Standing Orders, Products, Offers, Parties, Scheduled Payments, Statements
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (Browser)?
Authentication Method - Open Banking Channel (APP)?