CMA9 Transaction IDs

CMA9 Transaction IDs

Transaction IDs are conditional in the OBIE Read/Write Specification v3.x. There are 4 options for how an ASPSP can treat this field in the API response:

  1. ASPSPs provide a Unique, Immutable TransactionID from their core system
  2. ASPSPs generate a Unique TransactionID from a set of Immutable fields
  3. ASPSPs specify field(s) for TPP to generate a Unique Transaction Identifier
  4. ASPSPs provide neither a TransactionID nor the method by which TPPs can generate one

Each of the CMA9 have been asked to confirm which of these 4 methods they will support, and this is listed below...

Brand / Products confirmed
Option Supported
Live Date
AIBN/A4 (longer term commitment to option 1)N/A
BarclaysAll3 (longer term commitment to option 1)Mar-19

DanskePCA/BCA (other products from June 2019)1Already live - Release 1 
HSBCThis applies to PCAs and BCAs and to posted and pending payments, but not to future dated  / scheduled payments. This approach applies consistently to all 4 brands: HSBC personal, HSBC business, first direct, M&S Bank. This applies to HSBC's 3.1.1 stack onwards.2Sep-19
LBGPCA & BCA (Cards to be considered for future development, but not planned for 2019)1September 2019 (R4)
NBSCurrent Accounts & Cards1Mar-19
RBSNot confirmed4 (working on alternative options)Not confirmed
SantanderAll products1Sep-19