Version 3

Version 3





Change Description

TPPs and TSPs requested to we display the information held within the Transparency Calendar in a more concise way. Therefore, we have created 4 ‘summary views’ of the data held within the Transparency Calendars pages.

The summary views are grouped into the following, ‘Contact Details’, ‘Major Milestones’, ‘Technical Details’ and ‘Method of Identification’. The data displayed in these views has been designed to be as concise as possible to aid with the display of the information.

The Transparency Calendar questionnaire has been updated to include the following questions.

Questionnaire SectionQuestionQ&A
ImplementationTransaction IDs

If you are supporting Transaction IDs then please specify 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3', or 'Option 4'.

Transaction IDs are conditional in the OBIE Read/Write Specification v3.x. There are 4 options for how an ASPSP can treat this field in the API response:

  1. ASPSPs provide a Unique, Immutable TransactionID from their core system
  2. ASPSPs generate a Unique TransactionID from a set of Immutable fields
  3. ASPSPs specify field(s) for TPP to generate a Unique Transaction Identifier
  4. ASPSPs provide neither a TransactionID nor the method by which TPPs can generate one
PSD2FCA Adjustment Period - Maintaining Screen Scraping?Please specify whether you are supporting screen scraping during the FCA Adjustment Period. Please respond 'Yes' or 'No'
PSD2Contact Email or Phone NumberPlease specify your organisations Open Banking contact email or phone number.
PSD2Dev Portal URL?Please provide or Dev Portal URL.


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