Security Profile Conformance

Security Profile Conformance

OB versus FAPI profile

On 23 August 2018, OBIE's Technical Design Authority (TDA) agreed a decision to switch from the Open Banking Security Profile to the Financial Grade API (FAPI) Profile

Due to the tight timelines of the CMA Order and PSD2/RTS, several ASPSPs were unable to support this switch prior to 14 September 2019. As such OBIE continued support for both the Open Banking Security Profile and the related Conformance Tool for a period of time to allow ASPSPs to migrate to the FAPI Profile, and for these ASPSPs to allow TPPs to also make this migration. OBIE also continued to support the Open Banking Security Profile and the related Conformance Tool until 14 September 2019, and continued to issue and publish related Conformance Certificates until this time.

Since 14 September 2019, OBIE has marked the Open Banking Security Profile and the Conformance Tool as 'archived' and no longer accepts requests for related Conformance Certificates.

OBIE encourages all ASPSPs to make the switch to the Financial Grade API (FAPI) Profile and Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) Profile as soon as possible and to apply for a related Conformance Certificate direct from the OpenID Foundation

FAPI Conformance Certificates

These certifications are published by the OpenID Foundation. Please scroll to the last section to see the list of certified FAPI OpenID Providers, or visit https://openid.net/certification/#FAPI_OPs.

Previous/Expired Certificates

Please see previous/expired certificates here Open Banking Security Profile Conformance

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