Implementation Guide: Royal Bank of Scotland

Implementation Guide: Royal Bank of Scotland

This page has been created and maintained by the relevant ASPSP, and OBIE takes no liability for the completeness nor accuracy of this data.

Note to ASPSP: Please indicate which brands this applies to and/or duplicate this page per brand if relevant.

ASPSPRoyal Bank of Scotland Group
BrandRoyal Bank of Scotland Plc
Developer portal (s)https://www.bankofapis.com/


Supports dynamic client registration (Y/N)Y
Instructions for manual onboardingRoyal Bank of Scotland plc does not support manual registration. Only dynamic registration is supported.
OIDC .well-known endpointhttps://secure1.rbs.co.uk/.well-known/openid-configuration
Notes on testingFollow the instructions on the ‘Sandbox’ page in our developer portal to get started.  For all other testing related support, raise a testing related request using the ‘Raise Ticket’ button on our developer portal ‘Help & Support’ page.
Other on-boarding notesNone
Documentation URLhttps://www.bankofapis.com/products/accounts/documentation/nwb/3.1.0

Account Information API

Note to ASPSP: Please add a column per brand if relevant

Swagger version1.1
Base URI/
General variances to specification Bulk endpoints not implemented
Non-functional limitations

Global rate limiting of 16 TPS (total across all API types) ,

Individual TPP rate limiting of 12 TPS
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Tbd – see swagger spec

Payment Initiation API

Swagger version1.1
Base URI/
General variances to specification

Bulk endpoints not implemented

Non-functional limitations

Global rate limiting of 16 TPS (total across all API types) ,

Individual TPP rate limiting of 12 TPS

RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Tbd – see swagger spec

Standing Orders

As per the OBIE API standards for Standing orders, and in line with our direct channels, our APIs offer the opportunities for customers to choose the number of payments or the last payment date they would like when setting up a Standing Order via a Payment Initiation Service Provider. The latest date for a final payment is 31st December 2059. If customers require a long term standing order then this can be achieved by selecting a high number of payments or a last payment date that keeps the standing order in place till 31st December 2059 at the latest. In coming months we will add an option of ‘until further notice’ for a standing order as an additional way to set up long term standing orders up to 31st December 2059.

App 2 App Information

Prerequisites for testing

TPPs must have :
• An existing production integration with the Brand that the TPPs wish to test App2App against
• Bank Accounts for the Brand they wish to test – must have credentials for e-Banking/Online Banking/Personal customer (Bankline customers currently not supported)
• Bank’s Mobile App can be downloaded from iOS and Android app stores


N.B. “Please note that only values in the OIDC request object will be processed and responded to.  Any additional values or checks will be ignored.  RBS will update this page once this is resolved for PKCE checks.”

Open Data API

Swagger version


Base URI


General variances to specification 


Non-functional limitations


RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Tbd – see swagger spec

Customer Exeprience

RBS implementation of Redirection Journey Improvement as agreed with OB Trustee

ItemActions for RBSDue date
1Display of data clusters in tile format and alignment of terminology to OBIE’s Customer Experience Guidelines


14 December 2018

2Refine the position on the screen that user accounts appear when selecting accounts to be shared with an AISP


14 December 2018


Other direct enhancements resulting from the CEG:


  • Clearer display of when consent expires
  • Two step consent – additional step removed which used to show details of what data is being shared automatically; now users can choose to click ‘What am I sharing?’
  • Implementation of quick links e.g. select all accounts
  • Explanation of which accounts are and are not available for selection up front rather than as a link
  • Sticky footer once account is selected which also shows total number of accounts being shared


  • Two step consent journey – select account and review steps merged into one screen
    Payment information shown to reflect research findings on what information PSU’s use to identify their preferred payment account
    Fully responsive solution for consistent experience regardless of device


14 December 2018

4Refinement to the wording regarding the purpose of connecting to Online Banking on each authentication screen and highlighting that credentials will not be shared with TPPs


26 February 2019

5Display of data at ASPSP as a PSU selected option to avoid replaying consent – user has option to click ‘What am I sharing?’ link on each screen post-authentication


14 December 2018