Implementation Guide: TSB BANK PLC

Implementation Guide: TSB BANK PLC

Date22nd July 2019
Developer portal (s)

This page has been created and maintained by the relevant ASPSP, and OBIE takes no liability for the completeness nor accuracy of this data.

Note to ASPSP: Please indicate which brands this applies to and/or duplicate this page per brand if relevant.


Delivery date

Change to Production:

Delivery date


Supports dynamic client registration (Y/N)Y
Instructions for manual onboarding

Sandbox Only

Note: Open Banking developer must log in using the 'Open Banking Log In' button, which requires an Open Banking login - See 'How to Enrol' guide on Open Banking website: https://openbanking.org.uk/directory/

OIDC .well-known endpoint
Notes on testing
Other on-boarding notes
New Organisations onboarding will automatically be subscribed to a holding plan (limited daily calls) until we can review your application. Once reviewed successfully we'll then promote you to our standard plan which enables you to consume our APIs fully. Please contact us for further information if required.
Documentation URL

Account Information API

Note to ASPSP: Please add a column per brand if relevant

Swagger versionv3.1.0
Base URI
General variances to specification 
Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Payment Initiation API

Swagger versionv3.1.0
Base URI
Coming Soon
General variances to specificationGET/domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentID} returns a 500 response when using a Client Credentials Grant Access Token. The interim workaround is to use the Access Token granted from the Authorization Code exchange (or use the Refresh Token to generate a new Access Token).
Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Open Data API

Swagger versionN/A
General variances to specification N/A
Non-functional limitationsN/A
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)