Implementation Guide: Marks & Spencers

Implementation Guide: Marks & Spencers

This page has been created and maintained by the relevant ASPSP, and OBIE takes no liability for the completeness nor accuracy of this data.

BrandMarks and Spencer Bank
Developer portal (s)https://develop.hsbc.com/


All the information can be found in our Implementation Guide, available on the Dev Portal.


Supports dynamic client registration (Y/N)Y
Instructions for manual onboardingManual onboarding is not supported
OIDC .well-known endpoint


Notes on testing
Other on-boarding notes

redirect_uris MUST match or be a subset of the software_redirect_uris claim in the SSA

Authority validation is based around the IANA supported list of Top Level Domains as per https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db;
Documentation URLavailable on the Dev Portal

Account Information API

Note to ASPSP: Please add a column per brand if relevant

Swagger version
Base URI


General variances to specification 
Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)


Swagger version
Base URIhttps://api.ob.mandsbank.com/obie/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/              
General variances to specification 
Non-functional limitations

Payment Initiation API

Swagger version
Base URI
General variances to specification

Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Open Data API

Swagger version
Base URI
General variances to specification 
Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)