Implementation Guide: Tesco Bank

Implementation Guide: Tesco Bank

This page has been created and maintained by the relevant ASPSP, and OBIE takes no liability for the completeness nor accuracy of this data.

Note to ASPSP: Please indicate which brands this applies to and/or duplicate this page per brand if relevant.

ASPSPTesco Personal Finance PLC
BrandTesco Bank
Date13th March 2019
Developer portal (s)https://developer.tescobank.com/

TPP Production Information

Supports dynamic client registration (Y/N)

Y -Dynamic Client Registration v3.2

Instructions for manual onboardingn/a
OIDC .well-known endpoint


Notes on testingAvailable at developer portal (url below)
Other on-boarding notes

When you register your Application with us, we will store the email address of the contacts you provide in the registration process. We may use this email address to provide service updates when necessary.

Documentation URL


Account Information API - Production

Note to ASPSP: Please add a column per brand if relevant

Swagger versionv3.1.1
Base URIhttps://ob.api.tescobank.com/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/
General variances to specification See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules
Non-functional limitations

Payment Initiation API - Production

Swagger versionv3.1.1
Base URIhttps://ob.api.tescobank.com/open-banking/v3.1/pisp/
General variances to specification

See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules.

Non-functional limitations

Funds Confirmation API - Production

Swagger versionv3.1
Base URI


General variances to specification

See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules

Non-functional limitations

Open Data API

Swagger versionv2.2.1
Base URI


General variances to specification See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules
Non-functional limitations

RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)


Delivery date

Change to Production:

Delivery date

TPP Sandbox Information

Supports dynamic client registration (Y/N)Y - Dynamic Client Registration v3.2
Instructions for manual onboardingn/a
OIDC .well-known endpoint


Notes on testingSee developer portal for guidance and test data.
Other on-boarding notes

Documentation URL


Sandbox Account Information API

Note to ASPSP: Please add a column per brand if relevant

Swagger versionv3.1
Base URI


General variances to specification See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules
Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Sandbox Payment Initiation API

Swagger versionv3.1
Base URI


General variances to specification

See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules

Endpoints for International Payments and Standing Orders are initially unavailable and will follow during April 2019.

Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)

Sandbox Funds Confirmation API

Swagger versionv3.1
Base URI


General variances to specification

See developer portal for any Tesco Bank specific rules

Non-functional limitations
RefAreaFieldAvailable (Y/N)Exception/Notes (inc details on classification codes, field limits, and field formats)