Lloyds Banking Group PLC

OB Standards

This Section applies to ASPSPs that have implemented OB Standards

-Have you Implemented OB Standards?
  • Yes
  • No

Open Data - Which version have you Implemented?
  • None
  • V2.2
  • V2.3
  • V2.4

Read/Write API Specification Implemented or planning to implement

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • V3.0
  • V3.1
  • V3.1.1
  • V3.1.2
  • V3.1.3
  • V3.1.4
  • V3.1.5
  • V3.1.6
  • V3.1.7
  • V3.1.8
  • V3.1.9
  • V3.1.10
  • V3.1.11
  • V4.0

Current Implementation is v3.1.10 for all Endpoints

LBG plans to implement v4.0 of the API standard for all endpoints by March 2025; further details on precise release timings will be communicated later

Read/Write API - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version? By Mar 2025See above for detail

Have you implemented v4.0 information flows, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Dynamic Client Registration - Which version have you Implemented or planning to implement?

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • None
  • V3.1
  • V3.2
  • V3.3

LBG went live with v3.2 of Dynamic Client Registration with effect from 14th March 2020.

LBG Dynamic Client Registration endpoint: https://secure-api-eidas.lloydsbank.com/prod01/lbg/dcr-api/v1.0/register
DCR - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version?N/A

Have you implemented Trusted beneficiaries, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Have you implemented Reverse Payments, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Have you implemented ECA Standard?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

ECA Implementation details

Have you implemented Bulk/File Payments?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 
Bulk/File payments option exists in Open Banking Service for Business Customers, but not Retail or Commercial.  Limitations of file size, beneficiary selection is identical to the LBG Online For Business (O4B) channel; up to 25 payments can be included in a submission.  Clients using the bulk/batch payments option must have the correct permissions set on their LBG mandate (on O4B)

Have you implemented VRP – Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

VRP endpoints are Live and available for subscription

Have you implemented VRP non-Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Currently we are reviewing VRP functionality as a Premium API service; we do not have a planned or scheduled implementation timeline.

PISP - Single Payment Limit

Immediate DOMESTIC payments (PCC set to Pay Person/Contact)

Retail - £25,000 

Private Banking - £99,999

Retail Under 19s - £500 

Business - £100,000

Immediate Payments DOMESTIC (PCC is set to eCommerce Goods, eCommerce Services or Other)

Retail - £25,000 

Private Banking - £99,999

Retail Under 19s - £500 

Business - £100,000

Transfer between own accounts

Retail (all sectors) - £1,000,000

Business - £250,000

INTERNATIONAL Payments (PCC set to Pay Person/Contact)

All Sectors (Retail/Business) - £25,000 

INTERNATIONAL Payments (PCC set to eCommerce Goods, eCommerce Services or Other)

All Sectors (Retail/Business) - £25,000 

We have harmonised the single and daily payment limits of all Payment Context Codes (PCCs) to provide our customers with a better user experience, by using a single payment limit across all PCCs. 

Therefore, as part of this change the single and daily payment limits for all eCommerce related PCCs have increased from 28th June 2024.

PISP - Daily Payment Limit

DOMESTIC Payments - (PCC set to Pay Person/Contact)

Retail £25,000

Private Banking - £99,999

Retail under 19s - £500

Business - £250,000

DOMESTIC Payments - (PCC set to eCommerce Goods, eCommerce Services or Other)

Retail £25,000

Private Banking - £99,999

Retail under 19s - £500

Business - £250,000


Retail - £100,000 

Business - £99,999 

Retail (eCommerce) £100,000

Business (eCommerce) £99,999

We have harmonised the single and daily payment limits of all Payment Context Codes (PCCs) to provide our customers with a better user experience, by using a single payment limit across all PCCs. 

Therefore, as part of this change the single and daily payment limits for all eCommerce related PCCs have increased from 28th June 2024.

How many months of transaction do you provide?Where available on accounting platforms, we provide upto 7 years transaction data online
Have you implemented TRIs (Transactional Risk Indicators), if not, date planned to Implement?We intend to support in the longer term, but currently have no planned or scheduled implementation timelines

Payment instructions sent with TRIs will be not be used on PIS API endpoint versions.

What is your approach to Implementing TRIs?
  • Accept payload with TRI fields – Process all fields
  • Accept payload with TRI fields – Ignore all fields
  • Reject payload with TRI fields – Error back to TPP
  • Accept payload with TRI fields – Process few fields (Provide list of accepted fields)  

SCA-RTS 90-day reauth Implementation

Which date are you planning on implementing the SCA reauthentication exemption?

Implementation of SCA re-authentication exemption was on 28th Sept 2022.

What is your approach to token management to enable application of the reauthentication exemption? (see link to FCA guidance)

LBG has introduced a long lived refresh token of 365 days

LBG has introduced a long lived refresh token of 365 days

As part of v3.1.10 Implementation, LBG will be supporting refresh tokens to support long lived consents.  The TTL will be set to 365 days.

AIS consents created after implementation of v3.1.10 will no longer require re-authentication every 90 days; the new rules in place will ask for customer reconfirmation with the AISP.

Article 10A - Endpoints exempt of SCA-RTS
  • Accounts

  • Transactions (90days)

  • Balances

  • Standing orders

  • Direct debits

  • Beneficiaries

  • Products

  • Offers

  • Parties

  • Scheduled Payments

  • Statements

Article 10A - Endpoints not exempt of SCA-RTS
  • Transactions (more than 90days)

  • Standing orders

  • Direct debits

  • Beneficiaries

  • Products

  • Offers

  • Parties

  • Scheduled Payments

  • Statements

Article 10A - Maximum time period after authentication

45 minutes.  After this expiry period, if the token has not been presented the AISP has to request a new authenticated token.

Refresh Tokens are valid for 365 days

SCA-RTS implementation status (updated by OBL PS team only)


Security Profile

-Which Security profile have you Implemented or planning to implement?

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • OB Security Profile (Legacy)
  • FAPI (ID2)
  • FAPI 1 Advanced
  • Other (Please define) 

FAPI ID2 profile  currently supported

LBG plan on implementing FAP1 Advanced profile by end of 2024; further details of precise timelines will be communicated in due course

Security Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date
Cutover to FAPI Advanced profile will be undertaken by end of 2024
CIBA Profile - Implemented or planning to implement

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • None
  • CIBA
  • CIBA FAPI Profile
Delivering decoupled flows are not currently in plan 
CIBA Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date

Security Profile Certification date?

Token Endpoint Authentication Methods Supported
  • client_secret_post
  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_jwt
  • tls_client_auth
  • Private_key_jwt

Planned date to Cease support for client id and client secret token endpoint authentication
LBG is not planning to cease support for client ID and client secret token endpoint authentication
POST-BREXIT POST TRANSITION - Certificates Accepted (from 1st Jul 2021)
  • eIDAS QSeal
  • OB legacy (obtransport, obsigning)
  • OBSeal
  • Other (Please define) 

Customer Journey

-What is your approach to Implementing OBL Customer Experience Guidelines (CEG)?

(tick all that apply)

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement or upgrade
  • Not planning to implement CEG

Which version have you implemented or planning to implement?

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • V3.1.2
  • V3.1.3
  • V3.1.4
  • V3.1.5
  • V3.1.6
  • V3.1.7
  • V3.1.8
  • V3.1.9
  • V3.1.10
  • V3.1.11
  • V4.0

We have delivered to v3.1.10 covering CMA roadmap closure

LBG are planning on supporting v4.0 changes by March 2025

Which date are you planning to implement your latest CEG version?Q3 2022
Redirection Model
  • App to App redirection
  • Decoupled authentication
  • Embedded Flow
  • Bespoke User Journeys

Retail (Lloyds, Halifax, Bank of Scotland) 14/05/2019

Retail (MBNA) 13/09/2019

Business  Lloyds and Bank of Scotland 24/06/2019

-Which Directory are you using as your Trust Framework?Open Banking
Are you caching the Directory?Yes
Transaction IDs SupportedFebruary 2021ASPSPs provide a Unique, Immutable Transaction ID from their core system; this covers Current and Savings accounts, including debit card transactions but not Credit Card transactions.  LBG are planning on introducing Unique Transaction ID on Credit Cards by end of 2024; dates to be communicated in due course.

Are you Seeking Fallback Exemption?

  • Yes
  • No

LBG has successfully applied for an exemption from having to provide a contingency mechanism on its major core brands (Lloyds, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and MBNA) for it's Retail & Business channels.

Article 10 - Maximum time period after authenticationOn provision of initial consent, a TPP has 45 minutes to present initial token. Subsequent requests for accounts and balances and for up to 90 days of transaction information will be provided for up to 90 days following initial authentication. Other request types e.g. fetch SOs, beneficiary lists, etc., will require application of SCA
Article 10 - Endpoints exempt of SCA

Once initial authentication has been completed , the PSU will be able to access the following account information endpoints without further SCA :

GET /Accounts 

GET /accounts/{AccountId} 

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances 

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/transactions 

Major Milestones


Core Brands :

  • Lloyds Bank
  • Bank of Scotland
  • Halifax
  • MBNA

ASPSP Dev Portal and Contact Details

Location of Well Known Endpoints

Modified Customer Interface URL (if applicable)

Dev Portal URLhttps://developer.lloydsbanking.com/prod01/lbg/home Developer portal home has been updated 
Test Facility URL

Brand Landing Pages URL

ASPSP Support Desk Email or Phone Number

(including queries about consent success rates) 

Key Implementations

Information on Error Codes

Information on Error Codes can also be found on our Developer Portal support site : https://developer.lloydsbanking.com/prod01/lbg/home

Service Protection API Limits

  • To ensure consistent availability and performance for all of our TPPs, we will apply rate limits that control how often our APIs are accessed. This is to protect our systems from unexpected surges in requests.
  • These limits should not affect the normal usage of interactive clients.
  • When a service protection API limit is exceeded, our platforms will return an error with the standard 429 status code.