Bank of Ireland (UK) Plc
Adam Pretlove (Unlicensed)
Santhosh Kumar Kannappan (Unlicensed)
This Section applies to ASPSPs that have implemented OB Standards
-Have you Implemented OB Standards? |
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Open Data - Which version have you Implemented? |
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Read/Write API Specification Implemented or planning to implement (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| v.3.0 endpoints are no longer available. v.3.1.8. AIS, PIS and CBPII endpoints are now available. v.3.1.10 endpoints are available for VRP only. BOI intends to make v.4.0 endpoints available, but there is no date for when this will be implemented. |
Read/Write API - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version? | N/A | There are no further updates in plan, although future releases will support further functionality. See Milestones, below. |
Have you implemented v4.0 information flows, if not date planned to Implement? |
| |
Dynamic Client Registration - Which version have you Implemented or planning to implement? (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| Open Banking has modified the SSA parameters with version datatype from decimal to string (TDA decision 247). BOI is currently working to deliver the changes in line with the OB change. Until that time TPPs will be unable to onboard using string datatype. |
DCR - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version? | N/A | |
Have you implemented Trusted beneficiaries, if not date planned to Implement? |
| BOI uses this exemption to facilitate VRP sweeping, but have no plans to implement Trusted Beneficiaries for other payment types. This exemption is not used in the bank's online channels. |
Have you implemented Reverse Payments, if not date planned to Implement? |
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Have you implemented ECA Standard? |
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ECA Implementation details | N/A | |
Have you implemented Bulk/File Payments? |
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Have you implemented VRP – Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement? |
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Have you implemented VRP non-Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement? |
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PISP - Single Payment Limit | £20,000 | PSUs using their 365 online profile are able to set their own payment limit up to the £20,000 daily limit. This limit applies across 365 online payments and Open Banking payments using a 365 profile. |
PISP - Daily Payment Limit | £20,000 | PSUs using their 365 online profile are able to set their own payment limit up to the £20,000 daily limit. This limit applies across 365 online payments and Open Banking payments using a 365 profile. |
How many months of transaction do you provide? | 12 | As per the BOI online channels, BOI provides 12 months of transaction history for PCA and BCA accounts, and the current statement cycle for Credit Cards. |
Have you implemented TRIs (Transactional Risk Indicators), if not, date planned to Implement? | There are no plans to implement TRIs at this stage. | |
What is your approach to Implementing TRIs? |
| N/A |
Which date are you planning on implementing the SCA reauthentication exemption? | 1 October 2022 | |
What is your approach to token management to enable application of the reauthentication exemption? (see link to FCA guidance) | Issue a long-lived refresh token during one final SCA. (BOI UK only). | From the date of the change, all refresh tokens issued at initial consent and access refresh will be long-lived, and not require re-authentication 90 days later. In practice, this means that after 1 October, the first time any PSU needs to refresh access (and had last performed SCA prior to the date) will need to re-authenticate one more time. Any PSU providing initial consent (and SCA) after 8 October will never be asked to re-authenticate with BOI. NB. For Bank of Ireland ROI: BOI will implement the change under the Commission Delegated Regulation amending RTS with regards to the 90-day exemption for account access to 180 days tonight and the change will be effective from tomorrow morning 26th July. |
Article 10A - Endpoints exempt of SCA-RTS |
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Article 10A - Endpoints not exempt of SCA-RTS |
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Article 10A - Maximum time period after authentication | Long-lived | Please specify the time period in minutes |
SCA-RTS implementation status (updated by OBL PS team only) | IMPLEMENTED | Planned / In-progress / Implemented / TBC |
-Which Security profile have you Implemented or planning to implement? (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| BOI intends to implement FAPI 1 Advanced. The target date for delivery is 31 April 2025 (contingency date 30 May 2025). |
Security Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date | TBC | |
CIBA Profile - Implemented or planning to implement (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| |
CIBA Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date | N/A | |
Security Profile Certification date? | N/A | |
Token Endpoint Authentication Methods Supported |
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Planned date to Cease support for client id and client secret token endpoint authentication | ||
POST-BREXIT POST TRANSITION - Certificates Accepted (from 1st Jul 2021) |
| Important Info:
-What is your approach to Implementing OBL Customer Experience Guidelines (CEG)? (tick all that apply) |
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Which version have you implemented or planning to implement? (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
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Which date are you planning to implement your latest CEG version? | TBC | BOI will support the latest CEG for existing endpoints or any new endpoints implemented. |
Redirection Model |
-Which Directory are you using as your Trust Framework? | Open Banking | |
Are you caching the Directory? | No | |
Transaction IDs Supported | Yes - for AIS Current Accounts |
Are you Seeking Fallback Exemption? |
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Article 10 - Maximum time period after authentication | 90 days | |
Article 10 - Endpoints exempt of SCA | Exemption will cover all AISP resources. | |
Major Milestones | There are no major milestones incoming. | |
Brand(s) | Bank of Ireland UK Bank of Ireland (Republic of Ireland) |
Location of Well Known Endpoints |
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Modified Customer Interface URL (if applicable) | N/A | |
Dev Portal URL | | |
Test Facility URL | | Go to the Developer Portal (Getting Started page) for well-known and authorisation URLs for the test facility. |
Brand Landing Pages URL | [You can use this space to explain your guidance on using Brand logos] | |
ASPSP Support Desk Email or Phone Number (including queries about consent success rates) | | Submit all queries through the contact form. This will ensure tickets are raised, can be tracked, and queries are assigned to the correct area. |