Barclays Bank UK Plc

OB Standards

This Section applies to ASPSPs that have implemented OB Standards

-Have you Implemented OB Standards?

  • Yes
  • No

Open Data - Which version have you Implemented?

  • None
  • V2.2
  • V2.3
  • V2.4

Read/Write API Specification Implemented or planning to implement

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • V3.0
  • V3.1
  • V3.1.1
  • V3.1.2
  • V3.1.3
  • V3.1.4
  • V3.1.5
  • V3.1.6
  • V3.1.7
  • V3.1.8
  • V3.1.9
  • V3.1.10
  • V3.1.11
  • V4.0

Read/Write API - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version?

Have you implemented v4.0 information flows, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Dynamic Client Registration - Which version have you Implemented or planning to implement?

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • None
  • V3.1
  • V3.2
  • V3.3
We have not implemented DCR for Open Banking, but rather we have implemented DCR for COP onboarding to v3.2 specification.
DCR - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version?TBC

Have you implemented Trusted beneficiaries, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Have you implemented Reverse Payments, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 
Implemented for domestic and international payments. 

Have you implemented ECA Standard?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 
Implementation plans under assessment, timeline tbc

ECA Implementation details


Have you implemented Bulk/File Payments?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Have you implemented VRP – Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

Have you implemented VRP non-Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement?

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement
  • Not planning to implement 

PISP - Single Payment Limit£


Payment Type

Payment Sub Type

New/Existing Beneficiary

Limit Type





Third Party Immediate FPS



Txn Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Daily Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Txn Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Daily Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Txn Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Daily Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Txn Limit





Third Party Immediate FPS



Daily Limit




How many months of transaction do you provide?
(Account and Product dependent) Detail available in FAQ's and Barclays Developer Portal 
Have you implemented TRIs (Transactional Risk Indicators), if not, date planned to Implement?
Implemented in September 2022. 
What is your approach to Implementing TRIs?
  • Accept payload with TRI fields – Process all fields
  • Accept payload with TRI fields – Ignore all fields
  • Reject payload with TRI fields – Error back to TPP
  • Accept payload with TRI fields – Process few fields (Provide list of accepted fields)  

SCA-RTS 90-day reauth Implementation

Which date are you planning on implementing the SCA reauthentication exemption?

Completed September 2022

What is your approach to token management to enable application of the reauthentication exemption? (see link to FCA guidance)

see notes
  • Any AIS consents created after Barclays implementation date for UK accounts will no longer require re-authentication every 90 days
  • Any consents that require re-authentication before September 2022 will remain valid for 90 days
  • For any AIS consents created with an expiry date, the access expiry date will be aligned to the expiry date provided
  • Where consent has been revoked, re-authentication cannot be managed by the third party and a new consent will be required
  • For EU accounts re-authentication every 90 days will still be required
  • As there is a divergence in the regulatory requirement for UK and EU accounts, where a client has both UK and EU accounts they will no longer be able to include them in one consent and will be required to set up separate consents
  • For any existing consents that include both UK & EU accounts post the Barclays implementation date, you will be required to set up separate new consents for each jurisdiction
  • There are no changes to Barclays current implementation of Access Tokens.  Third parties should continue to pass OAuth credentials in a Get Access Token call.  In response, the Barclays authorisation server issues an access token, reuse the access token until it expires. When it expires, you can get a new token. When requesting new access token, we recommend a 75 second minimum configuration as the connection timeout
Article 10A - Endpoints exempt of SCA-RTS
  • Accounts

  • Transactions (90days)

  • Balances

  • Standing orders

  • Direct debits

  • Beneficiaries

  • Products

  • Offers

  • Parties

  • Scheduled Payments

  • Statements

Article 10A - Endpoints not exempt of SCA-RTS
  • Transactions (more than 90days)

  • Standing orders

  • Direct debits

  • Beneficiaries

  • Products

  • Offers

  • Parties

  • Scheduled Payments

  • Statements

Article 10A - Maximum time period after authentication
Please specify the time period in minutes
SCA-RTS implementation status (updated by OBL PS team only)


Security Profile

-Which Security profile have you Implemented or planning to implement?

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • OB Security Profile (Legacy)
  • FAPI (ID2)
  • FAPI 1 Advanced
  • Other (Please define) 

Security Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date17th November 2024
CIBA Profile - Implemented or planning to implement

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • None
  • CIBA
  • CIBA FAPI Profile
Plans to be confirmed
CIBA Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date

Security Profile Certification date?

November 2022

Token Endpoint Authentication Methods Supported
  • client_secret_post
  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_jwt
  • tls_client_auth
  • Private_key_jwt

Planned date to Cease support for client id and client secret token endpoint authentication

Client secret authentication is not supported

TPPs must align their Open Banking implementations to the following security best practices recommended under FAPI 2

  • The request object must contain an exp claim which we recommend to be set to (current time + 5 minutes)

  • You must use PS256 algorithms to create the request Object signing

  • You must use as the aud claim in the request Object

  • You must use private_key_jwt instead of client secret authentication

  • You must receive ID tokens with PS256 signing algorithms

  • You must use “response type=code id_token

  • We’ll populate the acr claim in the ID token by default

POST-BREXIT POST TRANSITION - Certificates Accepted (from 1st Jul 2021)
  • eIDAS QSealC
  • OB legacy (obtransport, obsigning)
  • OBSeal
  • Other (Please define) 
  • eIDAS QWAC and eIDAS QSealC will only be accepted for NON-UK based TPP's. 

Customer Journey

-What is your approach to Implementing OBL Customer Experience Guidelines (CEG)?

(tick all that apply)

  • Already Implemented
  • Planning to implement or upgrade
  • Not planning to implement CEG

Which version have you implemented or planning to implement?

(Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned)

  • V3.1.2
  • V3.1.3
  • V3.1.4
  • V3.1.5
  • V3.1.6
  • V3.1.7
  • V3.1.8
  • V3.1.9
  • V3.1.10
  • V3.1.11
  • V4.0

Which date are you planning to implement your latest CEG version?TBC
Redirection Model
  • App to App redirection
  • Decoupled authentication
  • Embedded Flow
  • Bespoke User Journeys

-Which Directory are you using as your Trust Framework?Open Banking
Are you caching the Directory?Yes
Transaction IDs SupportedMarch 2019 - Option 3 Supported

Are you Seeking Fallback Exemption?

  • Yes
  • No

Article 10 - Maximum time period after authenticationNo restrictions applied other than SCA at Auth and Re-Auth
Article 10 - Endpoints exempt of SCA


Major Milestones

Relevant AIS / PIS / CoF journeys supported for following payment account types:

  • Current Accounts (Personal and Business)
  • Current Accounts (Corporate)
  • Savings Accounts (Personal and Business)
  • Personal Credit Cards (Barclaycard)
  • Corporate Credit Cards
  • Currency Accounts (Personal and Business)
  • Currency Accounts (Corporate)

See for additional information relating to end point coverage

Note that Account Holder Name for PCA / BCA customers is available through PARTIES end point and through ACCOUNTS end point for Barclaycard UK, Barclaycard Commercial Payment and Barclays Corporate customers


In order to complete Open Banking journeys, you will need to establish the Identity Provider (IDP) authentication method for your implementation.

An IDP is a system to authenticate and gain permission from an end user - such as a customer, to access their resources e.g. their account data. For Open Banking, this is used to authenticate the customer providing the consent to the Third Party.

Examples of an IDP in Open Banking includes Barclays app (Personal and Business Banking customers) and iPortal (Barclays Corporate clients), but we have a number of methods depending on the customer type and digital channel that they use. This needs to be considered in your development.

The latest OpenID configuration (OIDC) URLs available are shown below

TPPs are reminded that latest URLS MUST be used and where a legacy URL is still being used then TPP MUST migrate to URLs below

Note - some Business Banking clients will require the Corporate Banking IDP as they use Corporate Banking services to fulfil their business requirements and some Corporate clients will require the Business Banking IDP as they use Business Banking services to fulfil their business requirements

Brand guidance
  • Use of the Barclays logo is not permitted for marketing purposes
  • The Barclays logo can be used for the purposes of identifying and distinguishing, within AIS and/or PIS, Barclays as the source of our Read-only Data and Read/Write Data
  • The Barclays logo can also appear in webpages or other materials for the purpose of displaying that the service can connect to Barclays, however this should only be done in conjunction with logos of other major banks.
  • There should be no specific identification of Barclays in isolation and no suggestion that Barclays in any way endorses or is partnered with your solution.
ASPSP Dev Portal and Contact Details

Location of Well Known Endpoints

Modified Customer Interface URL (if applicable)

Dev Portal URL
Test Facility URL

Brand Landing Pages URLPlease see above 'Brand Guidance'

ASPSP Support Desk Email or Phone Number

(including queries about consent success rates)

Key Implementations

High Cost Credit

Barclays - HCC.xlsx