World First UK Ltd
Adam Pretlove (Unlicensed)
Praveen Ponnumony
This Section applies to ASPSPs that have implemented OB Standards
-Have you Implemented OB Standards? |
| Other - Bespoke. Our API adheres to the requirements of the PSD2-RTS. It follows widely-used international standards including MTLS and OAuth2 |
Open Data - Which version have you Implemented? |
| |
Read/Write API Specification Implemented or planning to implement (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| |
Read/Write API - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version? | ||
Have you implemented v4.0 information flows, if not date planned to Implement? |
| |
Dynamic Client Registration - Which version have you Implemented or planning to implement? (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| |
DCR - Which date are you planning to implement your latest version? | ||
Have you implemented Trusted beneficiaries, if not date planned to Implement? |
| |
Have you implemented Reverse Payments, if not date planned to Implement? |
| |
Have you implemented ECA Standard? |
| |
ECA Implementation details | Contact: [enter contact details for the relevant person(s) at your organisation] [You can use this space to provide your status with respect to the Standard] | |
Have you implemented Bulk/File Payments? |
| |
Have you implemented VRP – Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement? |
| |
Have you implemented VRP non-Sweeping, if not date planned to Implement? |
| Contact: [enter contact details for the relevant person(s) at your organisation] [You can use this space to provide implementation details relevant to VRP] |
PISP - Single Payment Limit | £ | |
PISP - Daily Payment Limit | £ | |
How many months of transaction do you provide? | ||
Have you implemented TRIs (Transactional Risk Indicators), if not, date planned to Implement? | ||
What is your approach to Implementing TRIs? |
Which date are you planning on implementing the SCA reauthentication exemption? | ||
What is your approach to token management to enable application of the reauthentication exemption? (see link to FCA guidance) | Example approach: [Please use this space to provide more details on your approach] | |
Article 10A - Endpoints exempt of SCA-RTS |
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Article 10A - Endpoints not exempt of SCA-RTS |
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Article 10A - Maximum time period after authentication | Please specify the time period in minutes | |
SCA-RTS implementation status (updated by OBL PS team only) | Planned / In-progress / Implemented / TBC |
-Which Security profile have you Implemented or planning to implement? (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| |
Security Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date | ||
CIBA Profile - Implemented or planning to implement (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| |
CIBA Profile - Next Planned Version Implementation Date | ||
Security Profile Certification date? | ||
Token Endpoint Authentication Methods Supported |
| |
Planned date to Cease support for client id and client secret token endpoint authentication | ||
POST-BREXIT POST TRANSITION - Certificates Accepted (from 1st Jul 2021) |
-What is your approach to Implementing OBL Customer Experience Guidelines (CEG)? (tick all that apply) |
| World First has not applied for Open Banking but has taken inspiration from the guidelines. World First has followed the user journey for AISP & PISP Browser-based redirection as described in section 2.2.1. Our user experience designs are also similar to the wireframes given as a guideline. |
Which version have you implemented or planning to implement? (Lowest version = Current, Highest version = Planned) |
| |
Which date are you planning to implement your latest CEG version? | ||
Redirection Model |
-Which Directory are you using as your Trust Framework? | We use Konsentus who provide us with eIDAS trust framework | |
Are you caching the Directory? | No | |
Transaction IDs Supported | Option 1 |
Are you Seeking Fallback Exemption? |
| |
Article 10 - Maximum time period after authentication | ||
Article 10 - Endpoints exempt of SCA | ||
Major Milestones | ||
Brand(s) |
Location of Well Known Endpoints | Developer Portal | Link to swagger page for testing: docs/WorldFirstLtd6/PSD2/master-oas3 |
Modified Customer Interface URL (if applicable) | ||
Dev Portal URL | | |
Test Facility URL | ||
Brand Landing Pages URL | [You can use this space to explain your guidance on using Brand logos] | |
ASPSP Support Desk Email or Phone Number (including queries about consent success rates) | Phone number: 02071298246 Email: |